Little boy drawing his family.

Roll-a-Picture Games

Roll-a-Picture are a fun way to develop fine motor skills, visual perception skills, and practice taking turns, all while enjoying time together!  Think of it like playing Cootie, but with a pencil. Here are a few options to help you get started!

image by megan


Roll-a-Picture Directions

1. Give each player a piece of paper and a pencil.

2. Roll the dice to see who goes first—the highest number starts.

3. The first player rolls the dice and draws the part of the picture that matches the number rolled.  

4. Continue taking turns until someone completes their entire picture.

Game Options:

  • Beginner Option: Players must roll a specific number to start, such as the number that corresponds with the center of the picture. This option is easier for younger children.

  • Advanced Option: Players can start with any number and focus on placing each part of the picture correctly in terms of size and shape.

Roll-a-Picture Games for Kids

Roll-A-Snowman Game

Print the Roll-a-Snowman Game

Roll-a-Flower Game

Print the Roll-a-Flower Game

Roll-a-Valentine Game

Print the Roll-a-Valentine Game

Roll-a-Christmas Tree Game

Print the Roll-a-Christmas Tree Game

Roll-a-Butterfly Game

Print the Roll-a-Butterfly Game


Print the Roll-a-Turkey Game

Roll-a-Me Game

Print the Roll-a-Me Game


Print the Roll-a-House Game

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