I've Done the Hard Work So You Don't Have To!

Juggling the demands of parenthood or teaching can be overwhelming, especially when you're also tasked with preparing children for kindergarten. With so many hopes and dreams for their future, where do you begin?  Don't worry, I'm here to help!

Welcome to ABCJesusLovesMe™ where I provide research-based, Bible-centered learning materials. My aim is to simplify the planning process, so you can enjoy more play time with the preschoolers in your life. Dive into the wide range of resources, designed for both parents and teachers:

Which is Perfect for me?

Parenting to Impress


Parenting to "Impress" Podcast

Parenting to Impress, your go-to podcast to learn practical ways to love God and love others, and impress this on the hearts of your children (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). My name is Heidi Franz, the creator of ABCJesusLovesMe and a mom, who has made a lot of mistakes but has found grace and truth along the way.

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You're not alone on this journey. Adults around the world have chosen to walk this path together on the ABCJesusLovesMe™ Facebook Group. Here, you can ask questions, share ideas, engage in conversations with me, Heidi, and benefit from the collective experiences of our extended ABCJLM family.

Let's Journey Together

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