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1. Subscribe to the ABCJesusLovesMe Newsletter and the Parenting to Impress blog.
2. Join us! We are on many social media platforms.
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3. Dive in! I know that sounds overwhelming, but it truly is the best way to start. But, let us know if you have questions.
The free (for family use) 1-5 Year Online Curricula are the basic version of the 1st Edition. The Complete 1-5 Year Curricula are the 2nd Editions in complete form. The Complete Curriculum include the Scope and Sequence, printed Lesson Plans, Daily Schedules, and printed worksheets for crafts, handwriting, planning, and further learning. This curriculum requires the least amount of work for you while providing the most assistance.
Wonderful! Click to
The Curriculum Guides and Workbooks are only available in print version and are mailed to you. Each bundle contains 2-3 digital download supplemental resources as well as the two printed books.
If you are unable to find the links to the Digital Download, please log in to the ABCJLM website. Find the link under Order History in the appropriate invoice.
No. Each curriculum can be started any day of the year! A plethora of holiday and season activities are available on the ABCJLM website to insert as desired.
Yes! We have shipped to over 80 countries. Shipping price is typically the same for 1-2 books and 3-9 books. We do not charge a handling fee.
All of the objectives, books, materials, and suggested activities provided in the Lesson Plans are merely suggestions. Substitute, as needed, with ideas that will work for your family. Or try the following options.
1. Purchase them brand new -, local bookstore, Barnes and many possibilities
2. Purchase them used -, have great used book programs. Also watch garage sales and used book stores.
3. Birthday and Christmas Gifts - Provide the gift-giver a list of books and supplies the child needs.
Check that you have the most recent version of Adobe Reader as this is typically the cause of the problem. Also, trying switching web browsers (Firefox, IE). For example, if you have trouble getting all of the lines of the Writing Worksheets to print in color, please print while using the free Firefox browser as IE and Chrome do not always work correctly.
Instead of providing discounts, coupons, free shipping, or sales, we keep our prices low for everyone, all the time. If you search and find coupon codes on the internet, know that these are neither created nor supported by ABCJLM. And this is a good thing! This treats all users fairly, no matter what the situation or time of year they purchase. So when your child or students are ready for the next curriculum, you can purchase with confidence.
The website is non-denominational and fully Bible-based. Read our Doctrinal Statement.