Discover engaging ways to teach the story of Ananias & Sapphira to preschoolers with this collection of Bible verses and fun, hands-on activities. These resources will help children grasp the importance of honesty and making wise choices, while growing in their understanding of God's truth.
Character Trait: Honesty
Definition: Telling the whole truth in words and actions
Opposite: Lying, deceitful
Big Thoughts for Little People: Letter L
Bible Story: Ananias and Sapphira (Opposite)
Objective: When in doubt, tell the truth.
Scripture: Acts 5:1-11
The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes: pg 366
The Berenstain Bears and the Truth
God, I Need to Talk to You about Lying
Psalm 34:13 - Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies.
Steve Green – Hide 'Em In Your Heart, Vol 1 - #11
O Be Careful Traditional
O be careful little eyes what you see (point to eyes)
O be careful little eyes what you see
For the Father up above (point up for Jesus)
Is looking down in love (put hand to eyes and look down)
O be careful little eyes what you see
Additional Verses:
…little hands what you do
…little feet where you go
…little ears what you hear
…little mouth what you say
…little mind what you think
- ABCJLM Bible Coloring Sheets: Ananias and Sapphira
- Write on a piece of construction paper with white crayon. Paint over the crayon with tempera paint or watercolor paint. Use this example to show how it may appear that no one knows about your lie, but God knows and almost always others find out as well.
- Teaching True vs. Not True - This is a great family activity from Value Parenting. (Reprinted with Permission)
Adult: Do you know the difference between something that's true and something that's not true? Let's see if you do. I'll say something and you declare the statement "true" or "not true." Begin with simple physical facts and move toward things relating to behavior, for example:
You can tell the difference between truth and what is not truth. Do you know what it's called when someone says something that's not true? It's called a lie. Let's do a few more examples. These are little harder so listen carefully. This time say "truth" if it is true and "lie" if it is not true. (Continue to use illustrations appropriate to your child.)
Why is telling the truth better than telling a lie? (So that everyone knows what really happened; so the wrong person won't get blamed; so we can learn to do better, etc.) When in doubt, tell the truth. A lie will always lead to trouble.