Woman reading her Bible.

How to Have a Daily Quiet Time With God

What if I told you that you could completely change your life by adding just one thing to your day? What if I told you that the one thing would only take 1% of your total day? Would you do it? You’d be crazy not to!  The one thing I’m talking about is a daily quiet time—a time to read the Bible, meditate on God’s word, and pray.

It may sound like a huge time commitment, but in reality, this can all be done in just 15 minutes, which is only 1% of your day. While deciding to have a daily quiet time with God is the easy part, figuring out the what, where, when, and how can often be what holds us back. I want to share what I’ve learned along our journey to help you start and maintain your own meaningful quiet time with God - and change your life.


How to Have a Quiet Time

The First Steps to Having a Quiet Time

A daily quiet time with God can transform your spiritual life, but getting started can feel overwhelming. What is a quiet time? When and where should you have one? How do you make it meaningful? And why is it worth the commitment? In this post, I’ll answer these questions and offer simple tips to help you build a consistent and impactful quiet time with God.


Parenting to Impress Prayer Journal

How to Create and Use a Prayer Journal to Guide Your Quiet Time

The biggest impact on my spiritual life has been my prayer journal, though it wasn’t always easy. I’d get excited about a new journal, hoping it would transform my prayer life. But after a few weeks, I’d feel frustrated. The pre-bound format didn’t work for me. Then, God led me to try a 3-ring binder, and it made all the difference. Many years later, this simple change has transformed my time with God.


Seeking God Amidst Diapers and Dishes: Is it Possible?

Many Christians believe making God a priority is essential, but what if there’s no time in your day to do so? I relate to Emily’s question: What if my busy mom-schedule doesn’t allow time for God?  Does God understand, or is it my responsibility to make time? 

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Resources to Guide Your Bible Reading

When you browse the bookshelves, you'll find a wide variety of devotional guides, ranging from quick, daily positive thoughts to in-depth explorations of Scripture. Below are some of my favorite devotionals that have truly helped me learn about God's character, what He does, who I am, and what God calls me to do.  

Discerning the Voice of God: How to Recognize When God Speaks - Bible Study Book with Video Access

Discerning the Voice of God

Discerning the Voice of God and many other Bible studies by Priscilla Shirer have been instrumental in my spiritual growth. While these are excellent for group study, I’ve also completed them individually, often taking 2-3 weeks to dive deeper into each section for more detailed learning.

Lord, I Want to Know You: A Devotional Study on the Names of God

Lord, I Want to Know You

Lord, I Want to Know You by Kay Arthur as well as her other studies have been pivotal in teaching me how to read God's Word and pull understanding.  I have enjoyed several of the inductive studies in the "Lord" series.  


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What about Self-Help Books?

A word of caution: Quiet time is meant to build intimacy with God. Devotionals that focus primarily on self-reflection rather than Scripture and learning about God's character won’t lead to true spiritual growth. Self-help can distract us from God's purpose and His desire for us to truly know Him.  Be sure to choose a devotional guide that uses the Bible as its foundation, rather than relying heavily on someone else’s thoughts. The focus should always be on God's Word to foster true spiritual growth and deepen your relationship with Him.

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