Easter Activities for Kids

Preschool Easter Ideas

Easter is a special time at ABCJesusLovesMe and Parenting to Impress as we celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of our Savior. However, with the focus on bunnies, baskets, and egg hunts, the true message can be hard for children to grasp. To help you share the heart of Easter, here are simple activities and ideas to teach children how much Jesus loves them.

image by lacie

Easter Bible Story and Activities

Explore the Passion Week events and discover a variety of fun activities, books, songs, and ideas that children will love.

The following ideas and worksheets are available for immediate family, home use or with an active License ONLY.  Thank you for your honesty.

Palm Branch

Jesus Rides on a Donkey (Palm Sunday)

“Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David! Hosanna in the highest heaven!” Mark 11:9-10 (NIV). Celebrate Palm Sunday and enhance your child’s understanding of this Bible story with engaging palm branch and donkey crafts, along with fun activities.

Palm Sunday Activities for Kids

Washing Feet

Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet

Learn the importance of serving others as Jesus demonstrated when He washed His disciples' feet. Explore this powerful lesson through activities that highlight humility and service.

Find Jesus Washes Feet Activities

image by Jennifer

Communion Worksheet

The Last Supper

Help a child understand the significance of Communion and the meaning behind Jesus' final meal with His disciples through these simple, engaging activities.

Last Supper Activities for Kids

Easter Activity Workbook

Guide Children Through Easter ✞

Transform Easter from confusion to a meaningful celebration with the Take Me to the Cross Easter Activity Workbook. Packed with 7 engaging lessons and hands-on activities, this workbook helps young hearts connect with the true meaning of Easter— Jesus' resurrection. Make learning about the Passion Week fun and impactful for your children.

Start Your Easter Journey Now

3 Crosses Worksheet

Jesus' Death

Explaining Jesus' crucifixion to young children can be challenging, but ABCJesusLovesMe offers age-appropriate Bible stories, activities, and crafts to help guide your child in understanding this profound part of the Easter story.

View Jesus' Death Ideas

Resurrection Rolls

Jesus' Resurrection

Help young children grasp the significance of Jesus' resurrection with engaging activities and crafts that bring this joyful and powerful event to life.

Explore Resurrection ideas

Little girl using a rolling pin.

Easter Kid-Friendly Recipes

Head to the kitchen for some memorable cooking moments with these decilious kid-friendly recipes perfect for celebrating Easter.

Yummy Easter Recipes

image by becky

Easter Interactive Bible Stories & Videos

Discover fun ways below to help children understand the importance and specific events of Easter.

Little boy holding a painted egg-carton carterpillar.

Caterpillar to a Butterfly Illustration

I have always been awed by the symbolism of the caterpillar turning into a butterfly and Jesus being in the tomb and rising again. Just as the caterpillar is changed into something new, Jesus' resurrection offers us the chance for new life in Him. This symbolism is a powerful way to explain both the Easter story and the transformation that happens when we accept Jesus as our Savior.

Caterpillar and Butterfly Activities

image by marie


Explain Easter with Colors

Explaining Easter with colors is a creative and meaningful way to help preschoolers grasp the story in a way that connects with what they’ve already learned. Each color can symbolize an important part of the Easter story. Through color crafts, songs, and simple activities, children can visually understand and connect with the powerful message of Easter.

Easter through Colors Activities

Resurrection Eggs

Bring Easter to Life 🥚

Help children experience the true meaning of Easter through hands-on learning with our Resurrection Eggs. This engaging activity walks kids through Jesus' last days, from the triumphal entry to the empty tomb, using scripture-filled eggs and meaningful symbols. This simple activity captivates young hearts with the powerful story of our Savior.

Order Now for Easter

Wordless Book Worm

Wordless Book Recipes and Activities

The Wordless Book, introduced by Charles Spurgeon in 1866, provides a simple yet profound way to explain the Gospel. While additional colors have been added over time, the core story of God's love, sin, salvation, and eternal life remains the same. Explore recipes and activities to bring the story of the Wordless Book to life with children.

Explore Wordless Book Activities

Little boy making eggs out of sensory craft supplies.

Resurrection and Easter Eggs Activities

Eggs symbolize new life and can also illustrate the Resurrection—just as a chick emerges from its shell, Jesus emerged from the tomb on Easter. Since children easily connect with this concept, eggs are a great tool to help them understand the significance of Jesus' resurrection.

Discover the Joy of Resurrection Eggs

image by laura
Buck Denver Asks: What's in the Bible? Volume Ten - Jesus is the Good News! by JellyFish Labs

Jesus is the Good News!

Geared toward elementary-aged children, Buck Denver Asks: What's in the Bible? Volume Ten - Jesus is the Good News! explains the Easter story better than I have ever seen. Through catchy songs, humorous sketches, and clear Bible stories, Buck and his friends explain the importance of Jesus’ birth, life, death, and resurrection, showing how Jesus is the fulfillment of God's promises. This volume emphasizes the gospel message in a way that's accessible and enjoyable for children, helping them grasp the good news of Jesus with joy and clarity.

Little boy looking at a children's Bible

Interactive Bible Stories

Draw from the age-appropriate, interactive Bible scripts to teach the Easter story in engaging ways. These Easter stories are available in the Old and New Testament Curriculum2 Year Interactive Bible Stories3 Year Interactive Bible Stories, and 4 Year Interactive Bible Stories.

Explore Easter Stories

image by holly

Discover More Ideas

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