Character of Faith and Trust

Definition:  Believing God will do what He says, believing in something that you cannot see
Opposite:  Disbelief, not trusting, hopeless


Bible Story That Teaches Faith and Trust:

Jesus Walks on Water
Objective:  Keep your eyes on Jesus.
Scripture:  Matthew 14:22-33
The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes pg 296-297
The Beginner's Bible: pg 364-370
Through the Bible in Felt pg 187


Bible Verse on Faith and Trust:

Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
Steve Green – Hide 'Em In Your Heart, Vol 1 - #16


Faith and Trust Activities:

- Using the Bible story, discuss how Peter walked on the water when he trusted God.  But as soon as he became afraid, he sank into the water.

- Apple Star "Do You Have Faith?"
Give the child an apple.  Ask the child,  "What is inside the apple?"  (seeds, the white part of the apple, juice)  "I have a secret...there is really a star in the apple!"  The child will probably doubt this statement.  "How can we find out if there really is a star inside?"  (cut open the apple)  "Do you trust me that there is a star inside without us cutting it open?"  (cut the apple from side to side through the seed part)  Show the child how the seeds in the apple and the area around the seeds look like a star.  Explain that just as the child had to have faith that you were correct about the star, we have faith that Jesus is real even though we can't see Him.

- I Have Faith Apple Prints
Extend the "Do You Have Faith?" activity by doing apple prints.  Have the child write "I Have Faith" at the top of a piece of construction paper.  Dab the apple several times onto a cloth to remove excess moisture.  Place paint into a shallow tray.  Have the child dip the apple into the paint (or paint the apple) and then stamp it on the paper.

- Blind Fold
Discuss how faith and trust in Jesus is similar to the way we trust our family members and friends. Place a blindfold on your child and to walk him or her around the room.  Switch and let the child lead you.  (Thank you Lindsey for sharing this idea.)

- Umbrella
Discuss how faith is like an umbrella.  It protects us through the storms of life.  

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