
Teaching Hearts

Hearts are a sweet and familiar shape that children love to explore! Whether seen in art, nature, or everyday items, hearts provide a wonderful opportunity for preschoolers to engage in creative learning. Introducing hearts to young children can be a joyful experience, filled with fun activities and hands-on discovery. On this page, you’ll find imaginative ideas to help little ones recognize, create, and celebrate the shape of hearts in their environment.

Heart Song:

Tune:  There's a Hole in the Bucket
A heart is so special, so special, so special
With two humps and a point it shows love to all.


Heart Activities:

Heart Person Shape Family - Heart Buddy
Add to your Shape Family by creating a Heart Buddy.  Cut a large heart out of construction paper.  Accordion-fold long, thin pieces of paper to form legs and arms.  Glue to the shape.  Add a face with a heart shape for the eyes and nose.  May also add shoes, hands, hair, or other accessories. (Thank you to Dina for helping to create this idea.)


Snacks and Foods:

Sweet Tarts

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