- Glue or place pictures or stickers of lions on the Ll Poster.
- Glue leaves onto the Ll Poster.
- Glue cotton balls to make a lamb on the Ll Poster.
- With a hole punch, punch holes around the edge of the Letter L. Lace yarn around the pattern.
- Draw or paint lines.
- Trace around different sized lids.
- Do leaf painting.
- Read books about lions
- Go for a nature walk and collect leaves
- Eat Alphabet cereal or soup - talk about the letters!
- Have fun with Ladybugs
My "L" Book
- by Jane Belk Moncure - Be sure to use the phonetic sound of the letter and not the letter name when reading the book. When we come to a letter, I have my child read the phonetic sound of each letter.
Llama Llama Red Pajama
Is Your Mama a Llama?
I Love You Through and Through
The Grouchy Ladybug
by Eric Carle
The Little Engine That Could - Any book with the word "little" in the title.
- Lemon, lime
- Licorice, lollipop, life-saver
- Lemonade
- Make a Yummy Ladybug for a snack using an apple, raisins, peanut butter, licorice, and marshmallows (Idea from Preschool to Pre-K)
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