Nn Poster Ideas:



- Tear thin strips of newspaper and glue on the Nn Poster.




- Find numbers in magazines and newspaper ads.  Cut out and glue on the Nn Poster.




Additional Nn Poster Ideas:

- Glue noodles on the Nn Poster.

- Cut up newspaper and glue onto the Nn Poster.

- Paint using the end of a nail.

- Using a crayon, draw a large little Nn on a piece of paper.  Paint over letter and a surprise will appear.

- Paint on newspapers

Nn Activities:

- Use a magazine to cut out items that begin with the letter Nn.  Glue the pictures on the Nn Poster.

- Collect items for "My N Box" - Idea from My First Steps to Reading books

Nn Computer Activities:

Starfall Nn Computer Activity

Nn Books:

My N Book My "N" Book  -  by Jane Belk Moncure - Be sure to use the phonetic sound of the letter and not just the letter name when reading the book. When we come tN a letter, I have my child read the phonetic sound of each letter.

Good Night Moon Goodnight Moon

That's Not My...   That's Not My...

  Good Night, Gorilla

Old Hat New Hat  Old Hat New Hat


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