Little boy praying


Teaching Children to Pray

As Christian moms, we know that teaching our children to pray is one of our most important duties. But for many of us, prayer is difficult in our own life and the idea of teaching it to our children feels like one more to-do on our very long list.

But what if we choose to see prayer as a beautiful invitation to connect and communicate with God? What if we made prayer as organic and commonplace as talking about the weather? 

image by lacie

Prayer Bible Story and Books

Jesus Prays Flannelgraph Bible Story

The Lord's Prayer
Scripture:  Matthew 6:9-13
Through the Bible in Felt: pg 174

Hannah Prays for a Baby
Scripture:  I Samuel 1
The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes: pg 148, 150
The Beginner's Bible:  pg 156
My Story Bible: pg 36-37
Through the Bible Felt:  pg 95

I Can Talk with God - A fabulous book that explains what prayer is and how to pray.

Carrot Seed Carrot Seed - "When we pray, we should believe in what we are praying for, and whom we are praying to.  Otherwise, those prayers are just empty words that fall to the ground." Idea by Dawn


Prayer Bible Verses

I Thessalonians 5:17 - Pray without ceasing.  (Explain that ceasing means stopping.)

Tune: Hot Cross Buns
Pray without ceasing,  (Hands praying, one hand moves out to show "stop.")
Pray without ceasing,  (Hands praying, one hand moves out to show "stop.")
I Thessalonians (Form book with hands)
5:17  (Five fingers)

Tune:  Hush Little Baby
I Thessalonians 5:17
Pray without ceasing, pray without ceasing
I Thessalonians 5:17
Pray without ceasing, pray without ceasing
Shared by Lynn


31 Day Verses to Pray

Daily Pray for Your Children or Students 🙏

Cover your children, grandchildren, or students in prayer with this 31-day calendar of powerful Bible verses. Each day focuses on themes like wisdom, courage, love, and godly character, praying for spiritual guidance and strength for the next generation. 

Take a Look

Prayer Bible Songs and Poems

Whisper a Prayer  Traditional

Whisper a prayer in the morning,
Whisper a prayer at noon.
Whisper a prayer in the evening,
He will keep your heart in tune.

God answers prayer in the morning,
God answers prayer at noon.
God answers prayer in the evening.
He will keep your heart in tune.

I Have Ten Fingers  Adapted from Unknown Source

Tune: The Farmer in the Dell

I have 10 fingers (hold up fingers)
They all belong to me (point to self with 10 fingers)
I can make them do great things (thumbs up)
Would you like to see? (point to eyes)

I can shut them tight (make a fist)
I can open them up wide (spread fingers wide)
Put them close together (place fingers together with palms in the air)
I can make them all go hide (place hands behind your back)

I can make them jump up high (hands in the air)
I can make them jump down low (hands on the floor)
Fold them oh so quietly (clasp hands together)
And hold them just so (place hands in lap)

Fishers of Men  Traditional

Read your Bible, pray every day, pray every day, pray every day (make book, prayer hands)
Read your Bible, pray every day, then you’ll grow, grow, grow (bend down and get taller)
Then you’ll grow, grow, grow, then you’ll grow, grow, grow
Read your Bible, pray every day, then you’ll grow, grow, grow

The Lord's Been Good to Me
Tune:  Johnny Appleseed Tune

Ohhhhh, the Lord is good to me
And so, I thank the Lord!
For giving me, the things I need,
The Sun and the Rain and my Family
Oh the Lord is good to me
Amen, amen, ah - men

shared by Dean


10 Finger Prayer Song

Prayer Song

Tune:  Ten Little Indians

1 little, 2 little, 3 little fingers
4 little, 5 little, 6 little fingers
7 little, 8 little, 9 little fingers
10 fingers folded in prayer

 original source unknown

Talk to God Prayer Song

We Can Talk to God 

Tune:  Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

We can talk to God each day
When we fold our hands and pray
God will hear each word we say
Ev'ry night and ev'ry day.
We can talk to God each day
When we fold our hands and pray

 adapted for unknown source

Thank You Father Prayer Song

Thank You, Father

Tune:  Are you Sleeping?

Thank You, Father, Thank You, Father
For this day, for this day.  (may substitute other words of thanks - food, the sunshine, our family, etc.)
And the (Your) many blessings, and the (Your) many blessings.
A-men, A-men

unknown source

My Hands Prayer Song

Prayer Hands

My hands are high
My hands are low
My hands are folded
Just like so

shared by allison

Close Eyes and Pray Song

Prayer Poem

Close your eyes
Fold your hands
Let’s talk to God
Like we’re talking to a friend

 shared by jessica

I'll Pray Prayer Song

I'll Pray

Tune:  The Ants Go Marching In

When I'm feeling sad and blue, I'll pray!  I'll pray!
When I don't know what to do, I'll pray!  I'll pray!
God is with me every day.
God is listening when I pray.
So, I'll talk to God every day, I'll pray!

original source unknown

Child creating a shield of faith.

⚔️ It's Time to Suit Up! 🛡️

Equip a child with spiritual tools in this fun, play-based Armor of God study. Through engaging activities and Bible lessons, children will learn how to wear and wield the armor God provides. Help them stand strong in their faith with this hands-on, faith-building experience.

Buy Now

Prayer Activity Sheet

Lord's Prayer Worksheet  Sheet available in the Bible Activity Workbook

Paint with a paint brush

Tear small pieces of yellow and white tissue paper, and roll into balls.  Glue the balls to the sun, moon, and stars.

Prayer Activities and Crafts

Praying Hands
Have the child join his/her hands together in praying hands.  Lay them down on a piece of paper and trace around.  Paint vinegar on the drawn hands.   While still wet stick down pieces of tissue paper.  As the paper dries, it will flake off and leave color.  Add the title "I Can Talk to God."

Bubble Prayer Blowing Bubbles
Relate blowing bubbles to sending our prayers up to God.  Shared by Lori 

Prayer Box
Cover and decorate a shoe box or tissue box.  Add a slit at the top large enough for the child to slip his/her hand in. Place pictures of people or things that the child can pray for.  Each night draw one or more out so the child can see the picture and know what to pray for before bed.

Family Prayer Journal
Even though the child is young, start a Family Prayer Journal.  Write down specific prayers along with the date the prayer is answered along with the answer.  Look back through and see how God has provided for your family.

Paper Prayer Chain
Make a paper chain by looping pieces of paper together.  Write prayer requests on the chains.

Prayer Pretzels
Make and eat pretzels.  The legend is that a monk used leftover bread dough ropes folded as hands in prayer across the chest to remind his students to pray.  Click for the recipe.

Floating to Heaven
Use helium filled balloons to illustrate how our prayers rise up to God's ears.  Give each child a balloon, let them say a prayer or attach a written prayer, and release the balloon.  The prayer may be for the person who finds the balloon.  Share by Dawn   Important:  Choking Hazard


Lord's Prayer Interactive Bible Story

Available in the New Testament Curriculum1 Year Interactive Bible Stories and 2 Year Interactive Bible Stories 

Listen to the Parenting to Impress Podcast

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