Which learning are you most interested in?



Comprehensive Curriculum:  I am interested in a research-based curricula that teach academics, Bible, handwriting, pre-reading, and development for my students who are ages 1 to 5.

            I want All the Learning            

Jesus Loves Me

Bible:  I am interested in fun, age-appropriate, Bible curricula and products to teach my students who is ages birth to 10.

   Bible Learning for me   

ABCJesusLovesMe Crayon

Focused Products:  I am interested in a focused Handwriting or Visual Perception curriculum for my students.  Or, I desire tools to build pre-reading skills and keep Jesus the center of holidays.

I Need FOCUSed learning



Being Intentional: I desire to be the best I can be and would like to learn more about Biblical discipline, intentional planning, training, and growing spiritually.

It starts with me

Request a Product Demo

Is ABCJesusLovesMe the right fit for your preschool, daycare, or church? All your questions can be answered during a private remote meeting.  

Please note that remote sessions are exclusively for institutions and are not available to individual families.  


green crayonIf you are looking for a great curriculum that supports academic concepts and biblical principles, then this is the place for you! Our church preschool has been using ABCJesusLovesMe for three full years and we love it. The best is that Heidi has written Curriculum for all ages on our campus (1-5 years) and this continuity is paying off. Thank you Heidi.  -- Meredith on Facebook