Toddler playing with play dough.
image shared by juliana

1 Year Supply List

Below are the craft supplies, supplemental materials, and books suggested in the Complete 1 Year Curriculum. While the lists may seem daunting at first, I believe that you will find the vast majority of the supplies already in your home or preschool.  If they are not, I suggest that these items be available for your child to use and play with to expose your child to many textures, activities, books, and play.


Items are divided into categories to make them easier to find and are linked to Amazon so that can you view a picture of each item.  Most of these items should also be available at your local supermarket, but may be substituted with other items on hand. View the Lesson Plans to see how each item is used.

View all Complete Curriculum supply lists.

Caution:  When using small items in crafts or activities, please ensure they are appropriate for the child’s age and developmental stage. Small objects can pose a choking hazard, so always supervise children closely while they are handling these items. If you are working with younger children, consider using larger items or modifying the activity to ensure safety.

View the 1 Year Curriculum Supply List on Amazon


*Cd's and Cd-Rom's

_______ The Bible songs chosen in this curriculum are old "Sunday School" favorites.  If a song is not known, any Bible song may be used.  Most songs can be found on Amazon through MP3 download or on several Bible Songs CDs available to purchase.


*Craft Items

See Crafts in the ABCJLM 1 Year Amazon Shop

_______  3-ring Binder
_______  Clear Contact Paper
_______  Craft Rings
_______  Construction Paper (8 colors)
_______  Dot Marker (green, red, yellow)
_______  Fingerpaint (blue, red, green)
_______  Glitter
_______  Glue and Glue Stick
_______  Jumbo Crayons (8 colors)
_______  Jumbo Paintbrush
_______  Pipe Cleaners
_______  Pom Poms
_______  Scissors
_______  Star Stickers
_______  Stickers
_______  Tissue Paper (6 colors)
_______  Washable Markers (6 colors)
_______  Washable Paint (8 colors)
_______  Watercolors (yellow, blue, black, orange)



_______  Animal crackers
_______  Baking Soda
_______  Banana
_______  Cornstarch
_______  Food Coloring
_______  Empty Parmesan Cheese Container
_______  Ingredients for Brownies
_______  Ingredients for Cookies and Muffins
_______  Ingredients for Pizza
_______  Ingredients for Snack Mix
_______  Macaroni & Pasta
_______  Mini Marshmallows
_______  Pasta (macaroni, star, whole wheat, etc.)
_______  Peanut Butter
_______  Raisins
_______  Sugar or salt
_______  Vinegar


*Household Items

See Items in the ABCJLM 1 Year Amazon Shop

_______  Aluminum Foil
_______  Basket or container
_______  Bubble Wrap
_______  Clothes Pin
_______  Clothing
_______  Coffee Filter
_______  Cookie Cutters (oval, star)
_______  Cotton Balls, Swabs
_______  Cylinder Container
_______  Dry erase marker or Vis-a-vis Wet-erase
_______  Dry erase pocket or picture frame
_______  Flashlight
_______  Measuring Cups
_______  Music Cd or app
_______  Oval & Star Cookie Cutter
_______  Paint Stirrer
_______  Painter's Tape
_______  Pillows or cushions
_______  Ribbons or streamers
_______  Nylon Scarf
_______  Scrap Paper
_______  Shallow Container
_______  Shaving Cream
_______  Sponge
_______  Spray Bottle
_______  Straw
_______  String
_______  Tent or Blankets
_______  Toilet Paper Roll
_______  Yarn (yellow)
_______  Ziptop Bag


* Toys

See Toys in the ABCJLM 1 Year Amazon Shop

_______ Ball
_______  Bean bags
_______  Bubbles
_______  Car (matchbox size)
_______  Doll, doll clothes
_______  Kick Ball
_______  Peg Puzzles
_______  Play Dough (various colors)
_______  Push Toy or Laundry Basket
_______  Rhythm Sticks and Drum
_______  Sorting Toy
_______  Stacking Blocks
_______  Stuffed Animal