Below are the craft supplies, supplemental materials, and books suggested in the Complete 4 Year Curriculum. While the lists may seem daunting at first, I believe that you will find the vast majority of the supplies already in your home or preschool. If they are not, I suggest that these items be available for your child to use and play with to expose your child to many textures, activities, books, and play. All supplies and books are linked to Amazon so that can you view a picture of each item.
This supply list does not correlate with the supplies used in the basic curriculum.
View all Complete Curriculum supply lists.
Books |
Week 1 | Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes, Big Thoughts for Little People, Bible |
Week 2 | Mouse Shapes |
Week 3 | Emma Kate |
Week 5 | Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type |
Week 6 | The Little Engine that Could |
Week 7 | The Rainbow Fish |
Week 8 | There is a Bird on Your Head |
Week 10 | The Runaway Pumpkin |
Week 11 | Little Bear |
Week 12 | Because a Little Bug Went Ka-Choo! |
Week 13 | Olivia |
Week 15 | What Do People Do All Day |
Week 16 | Curious George |
Week 17 | Toot & Puddle |
Week 18 | George and Martha |
Week 20 | Guess How Much I Love You |
Week 21 | Finklehopper Frog |
Week 22 | The Kissing Hand |
Week 23 | Gregory, the Terrible Eater |
Week 25 | Harry, the Dirty Dog |
Week 26 | Mr. Putter & Tabby Bake the Cake |
Week 27 | Bedtime for Frances |
Week 28 | Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site |
Week 30 | The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash |
Week 31 | Frog and Toad Together |
Week 32 | The Cat in the Hat |
Week 34 | Me and My Amazing Body |
Week 35 | Franklin Goes to School |
The following books are listed in the curriculum as optional additions.
Craft Items |
_______ | Brads |
_______ | Butcher Paper |
_______ | Cardstock |
_______ | Children's Safety Scissors |
_______ | Colored Pencils |
_______ | Construction Paper |
_______ | Contact Paper (Clear) |
_______ | Cotton Balls |
_______ | Craft Jewels |
_______ | Craft Sticks |
_______ | Crayons |
_______ | Dot Markers |
_______ | Feathers |
_______ | Fingerpaint |
_______ | Glitter |
_______ | Glue, Glue Sticks |
_______ | Googly Eyes |
_______ | Highlighter (yellow) |
_______ | Hole Punch |
_______ | Markers |
_______ | Modeling Clay |
_______ | Paint |
_______ | Paint Brush |
_______ | Painter's Tape |
_______ | Paper |
_______ | Paper towel roll/toilet paper rolls |
_______ | Pencils |
_______ | Pencil Grip |
_______ | Pipe Cleaners |
_______ | Pompoms |
_______ | Pony Beads |
_______ | Ruler |
_______ | Sand |
_______ | Sidewalk Chalk |
_______ | Stapler |
_______ | Stickers |
_______ | Streamers |
_______ | String |
_______ | Tape |
_______ | Tissue Paper |
_______ | Watercolors |
_______ | Yarn |
Food |
_______ | Apple |
_______ | Baking Soda |
_______ | Bread or Crackers |
_______ | Butterscotch or Chocolate Chips |
_______ | Can of Pumpkin |
_______ | Cheerios |
_______ | Chocolate Pudding |
_______ | Chow Mein Noodles or Corn Flakes |
_______ | Cinnamon |
_______ | Cinnamon Sticks |
_______ | Coke or Pepsi |
_______ | Cornstarch |
_______ | Dried Beans and/or Noodles |
_______ | Egg |
_______ | Food coloring |
_______ | Frosting and/or Peanut Butter |
_______ | Fruit Loops |
_______ | Graham Cracker |
_______ | Heavy Whipping Cream |
_______ | Homemade Ice Cream Ingredients |
_______ | Marshmallows |
_______ | M&Ms or Other Colored Candy |
_______ | Peach |
_______ | Popcorn |
_______ | Powdered Sugar |
_______ | Pretzels or Toothpicks |
_______ | Pumpkin or Squash |
_______ | Spaghetti Noodles |
_______ | Sugar |
_______ | Teddy Grahams |
_______ | Vanilla Pudding |
Games |
_______ |
Twister (Game Mat) |
Household Items |
_______ | Bandaids, bandages |
_______ | Blanket or Towel |
_______ | Blindfold |
_______ | Bowl or cup (shallow) |
_______ | Box or laundry basket |
_______ | Bubble Bath and Solution |
_______ | Bucket |
_______ | Clothes pins |
_______ | Coins |
_______ | Containers and lids |
_______ | Fabric (scraps) |
_______ | Flashlight |
_______ | Handkerchief or scarf |
_______ | Hair Conditioner |
_______ | Jar with Lid |
_______ | Jelly Roll Pan or shallow box |
_______ | Kitchen Tools |
_______ | Memory Obstacle Course Items |
_______ | Mirror |
_______ | Muffin Tin |
_______ | Newspaper Ads or Magazines |
_______ | 3x5" Notecards |
_______ | Paper Plates |
_______ | Paper Sacks (lunch size) |
_______ | Perfume Bottle |
_______ | Phone |
_______ | Pillows or cushions |
_______ | Pop Bottle |
_______ | Postcard Stamp |
_______ | Q-Tips |
_______ | Rock |
_______ | Rolling pin |
_______ | Sand |
_______ | Scale |
_______ | Shaving Cream |
_______ | Sponge |
_______ | Spoon |
_______ | Squirt Bottle |
_______ | Straws |
_______ | Timer (egg) |
_______ | Toothbrush |
_______ | Toothpaste |
_______ | Toothpicks |
_______ | Wax Paper |
_______ | World Map |
Toys |
_______ | Balls (large and small) |
_______ | Bat |
_______ | Beach ball |
_______ | Bean bags |
_______ | Color Flashcards or Puzzle |
_______ | Cones or Markers |
_______ | Dice |
_______ | Doctor Set and Medical Play Sets |
_______ | Hoola Hoop or Circular Object |
_______ | Legos (various sizes) |
_______ | Letter Flashcards or Puzzles |
_______ | Marbles |
_______ | Matchbox Cars, Tractors, Airplanes |
_______ | Number Flashcards or Puzzle |
_______ | Parquetry Blocks |
_______ | Play Construction Tools |
_______ | Play Dough |
_______ | Shape Flashcards or Puzzle |
_______ | Stuffed animals (various) |
_______ | Tent |
_______ | Water Toys |
_______ | Wooden blocks |