Little boy holding a book.image by marie

4 Year Curriculum Supply List

Below are the craft supplies, supplemental materials, and books suggested in the Complete 4 Year Curriculum. While the lists may seem daunting at first, I believe that you will find the vast majority of the supplies already in your home or preschool.  If they are not, I suggest that these items be available for your child to use and play with to expose your child to many textures, activities, books, and play.  All supplies and books are linked to Amazon so that can you view a picture of each item.  

This supply list does not correlate with the supplies used in the basic curriculum.

View all Complete Curriculum supply lists.


View the 4 Year Curriculum Supply List on Amazon

Craft Items

_______ Brads
_______ Butcher Paper
_______ Cardstock
_______ Children's Safety Scissors
_______ Colored Pencils
_______ Construction Paper
_______ Contact Paper (Clear)
_______ Cotton Balls
_______ Craft Jewels
_______ Craft Sticks 
_______ Crayons (use broken crayons)
_______ Dot Markers
_______ Feathers
_______ Fingerpaint
_______ Glitter
_______ Glue, Glue Sticks
_______ Googly Eyes
_______ Highlighter (yellow)
_______ Hole Punch
_______ Markers 
_______ Modeling Clay
_______ Paint
_______ Paint Brush
_______ Painter's Tape
_______ Paper
_______ Paper towel roll/toilet paper rolls
_______ Pencils
_______ Pencil Grip
_______ Pipe Cleaners
_______ Pompoms
_______ Pony Beads
_______ Ruler
_______ Sand
_______ Sidewalk Chalk
_______ Stapler
_______ Stickers 
_______ Streamers
_______ String
_______ Tape
_______ Tissue Paper
_______ Watercolors
_______ Yarn



_______ Apple
_______ Baking Soda
_______ Bread or Crackers
_______ Butterscotch or Chocolate Chips
_______ Can of Pumpkin
_______ Cheerios
_______ Chocolate Pudding
_______ Chow Mein Noodles or Corn Flakes
_______ Cinnamon
_______ Cinnamon Sticks
_______ Coke or Pepsi
_______ Cornstarch
_______ Dried Beans and/or Noodles
_______ Egg
_______ Food coloring
_______ Frosting and/or Peanut Butter
_______ Fruit Loops
_______ Graham Cracker
_______ Heavy Whipping Cream
_______ Homemade Ice Cream Ingredients
_______ Marshmallows
_______ M&Ms or Other Colored Candy
_______ Peach
_______ Popcorn
_______ Powdered Sugar
_______ Pretzels or Toothpicks
_______ Pumpkin or Squash
_______ Spaghetti Noodles
_______ Sugar
_______ Teddy Grahams
_______ Vanilla Pudding




Twister (Game Mat)


Household Items

_______ Bandaids, bandages
_______ Blanket or Towel
_______ Blindfold
_______ Bowl or cup (shallow)
_______ Box or laundry basket
_______ Bubble Bath and Solution
_______ Bucket
_______ Clothes pins
_______ Coins
_______ Containers and lids
_______ Fabric (scraps)
_______ Flashlight
_______ Handkerchief or scarf
_______ Hair Conditioner
_______ Jar with Lid
_______ Jelly Roll Pan or shallow box
_______ Kitchen Tools
_______ Memory Obstacle Course Items
_______ Mirror
_______ Muffin Tin
_______ Newspaper Ads or Magazines
_______ 3x5" Notecards
_______ Paper Plates
_______ Paper Sacks (lunch size)
_______ Perfume Bottle
_______ Phone
_______ Pillows or cushions
_______ Pop Bottle
_______ Postcard Stamp
_______ Q-Tips
_______ Rock
_______ Rolling pin
_______ Sand
_______ Scale
_______ Shaving Cream
_______ Sponge
_______ Spoon
_______ Squirt Bottle
_______ Straws
_______ Timer (egg)
_______ Toothbrush
_______ Toothpaste
_______ Toothpicks
_______ Wax Paper
_______ World Map



_______ Balls (large and small)
_______ Bat
_______ Beach ball
_______ Bean bags
_______ Color Flashcards or Puzzle
_______ Cones or Markers
_______ Dice
_______ Doctor Set and Medical Play Sets
_______ Hoola Hoop or Circular Object
_______ Legos (various sizes)
_______ Letter Flashcards or Puzzles
_______ Marbles
_______ Matchbox Cars, Tractors, Airplanes
_______ Number Flashcards or Puzzle
_______ Parquetry Blocks
_______ Play Construction Tools
_______ Play Dough
_______ Shape Flashcards or Puzzle
_______ Stuffed animals (various)
_______ Tent
_______ Water Toys
_______ Wooden blocks