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Bible Symbol: Manger
Bible Story: Jesus is Born
Scripture: Luke 2:1-7
Read & Share Toddler Bible: pg 136
ABCJLM Interactive Bible Story
Bible Song: Away in the Manger (Traditional)
Away in a manger
No crib for a bed
The little Lord Jesus
Laid down His sweet head
The stars in the sky
Looked down where He lay
The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay
Character Scripture: Joyful
Psalm 126:2-3 (NIV) - Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.
Poem: Mary Had a Little Lamb (Traditional)
Mary had a little lamb
Little lamb, little lamb
Mary had a little lamb
Its fleece was white as snow.
Color: Red
Shape: Heart
Animal: Mouse
Taking Care of Me: First Name
Sign Language: Book - put palms together, open hands as if opening a book
Book of the Week:
Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown
Fine Motor: Fingerpaint
Gross Motor: Jump
Suggested Activities:
• Bible Story Activities:
- ABC Book: Drop a few dots of red paint on the Manger worksheet. Spread the paint with a cotton swab.
• Color Activities: Handprint Wall - Add a red handprint to your color wall by painting the child's hand and stamping it onto a piece of paper. Write the name of the color on the handprint. Display it at the child's level to point and discuss the colors.
• Shape Activities: Coffee-Filter Shapes - Using a washable red marker, draw a thick-lined heart on a coffee filter. Spray water on the filter which will cause the ink to bleed. Let dry.
• Animal Activities:
- Wrap the end of a paint stirrer with bubble wrap. Add a few dots of red paint to the Mouse worksheet. Roll and pat the bubble wrap in the paint to decorate the worksheet.
- A mouse says "squeak."
- Find pictures of mice in the books that you read.
• Book of the Week Ideas:
- Find and count the mice hidden in the book.
- Point and name various objects in the illustrations (i.e. lamp, chair, cow, moon).
- Sign "book" when discussing the book.
• Fine Motor Skill: Fingerpaint with red fingerpaint on a large piece of paper or cardboard. If you child puts his fingers into his mouth, make edible fingerpaint with yogurt or pudding and red food coloring. For added sensory learning, add sand, salt, or sugar to the fingerpaint.
• Gross Motor Skill:
Jump over low obstacles (i.e. rope, string, paintbrush). If needed for balance, stand behind the child and hold her hands.
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