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Bible Symbol: Wise Men
Bible Story: Wise Men Worship Jesus
Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12
Read & Share Toddler Bible: pg 142
ABCJLM Interactive Bible Story
Bible Song: O Be Careful (Traditional)
O be careful little eyes what you see (point to eyes)
O be careful little eyes what you see
For the Father up above (point up for Jesus)
Is looking down in love (put hand to eyes and look down)
O be careful little eyes what you see
Additional Verses:
…little hands what you do
…little feet where you go
…little ears what you hear
…little mouth what you say
…little mind what you think
Character Scripture: Hope
Isaiah 40:31 (NIV) - But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Poem: London Bridge (Traditional)
London Bridge is falling down,
Falling down, falling down.
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair lady.
Color: Green
Shape: Diamond
Animal: Frog
Taking Care of Me: Where is my shirt?
Sign Language: Outside - hand open near face (palm toward face), move hand away from face and pinch hand closed
Book of the Week: Five Little Speckled Frogs by Various Authors
Fine Motor Skill: Fingerpaint
Gross Motor Skill: Catch Scarf
Suggested Activities:
• Bible Story Activities:
- ABC Book: Use a green jumbo crayon to color the Wise Men worksheet.
• Color Activities: Color Box - Walk through your home or classroom and collect green items to place in a container.
• Shape Activities: Shape Walk: Use pieces of painter's tape or sidewalk chalk to make a large diamond on the ground. Assist the child in walking, crawling, and hopping around the edges as you sing the shape song. Note: Do not use masking tape on carpet, as it will leave a residue.
Diamond Song
Tune: She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain
A diamond in the sky is a kite, (make a diamond with your hands)
A diamond in the sky is a kite,
Take a square squeeze it tight, add a tail, it's a kite (hug self, point into the air at a "kite")
A diamond in the sky is a kite (make a diamond with your hands)
• Animal Activities:
- Hang the Frog worksheet on a vertical surface. Fingerpaint with green paint.
- Hop around the room like a frog and say "ribbit."
• Book of the Week Ideas:
- Point and count each frog.
- Point to green items in the illustrations.
- Sing the words of the book.
- Turn into a fingerplay by showing the number of frogs on the log with your fingers.
• Fine Motor Skill: Fingerpaint with green paint on a large piece of paper or cardboard. If you child puts his fingers into his mouth, make edible fingerpaint with yogurt or pudding and green food coloring.
• Gross Motor Skill: Throw a nylon scarf in the air and catch it.
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