Every 4-5 weeks, the Curriculum includes a review week. Since children learn through repetition, this week offers a chance to revisit past objectives, repeat favorite activities, and complete any unfinished tasks. New learning is introduced through Character Scriptures and fine and gross motor activities.
Click the links below to explore more fun activities for each Bible story.
Philippians 4:11-12 (NIV) - I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
Do you desire to parent children the way that God desires? Watch this 3-part series to acquire the tools to build a solid foundation of biblical discipline for your family and raise children who love God and love others.
Click the links below to explore more fun activities for each color.
Discover Fun Ways to Teach Colors
Click the links below to explore more fun activities for each shape.
Explore Ideas to Teach Shapes to Kids
Available in both large and small formats, the Be Intentional Planner is designed to help you live with purpose as the woman God has called you to be. Whether you prefer a spacious layout or a compact size for on-the-go planning, each spiral-bound planner is filled with the beloved Be Intentional components to keep your goals and plans on track.
While standing in front of a large mirror, ask your child to point to her head, mouth, and ears.
Throughout the Basic 1 Year Curriculum, one of the fine motor skills involves stacking 1" blocks. These smaller blocks are more challenging for little hands and are essential for development. Begin this week by stacking two blocks and gradually work up to stacking seven blocks by the end of the curriculum or when the child reaches 24 months. As you or the child add them, count the blocks rhythmically to enhance the learning experience. Review by counting all of the blocks stacked.
Pick up a small bean bag and throw it. For added learning, place shape flashcards on the ground and encourage the child to throw the bean bag towards them. Name the shape that the bean bag lands on. Keep in mind that this activity is simply an introduction to shape names, and most toddlers may not yet be ready to answer the question, "What shape is this?"
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