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Items Needed:
Worksheets: Jesus the Shepherd, Triangle and Circle, Apple Tree #7, Brush Your Teeth
Books: Bible, We're Going on a Bear Hunt
Activities: Peg Puzzles, apple stickers, ink pad, old toothbrush, tissue paper, glue, string, black dry erase marker zip-top bag or plastic cover, paint
Bible Theme: Jesus is My Shepherd
Lesson: My Shepherd is Always with Me
Bible Story: Psalm 23
Read & Share Toddler Bible
ABCJLM Interactive Bible Stories
Verse: Psalm 23:1 - The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.
Tune: Are You Sleeping
The Lord is my Shepherd; (repeat)
I shall not want. (repeat)
The Lord is my Shepherd;
I shall not want.
Psalm 23:1 (repeat)
Bible Song: I'm His Little Lamb (Traditional)
View: YouTube Video
Jesus is the Shepherd,
Guess who I am?
Such a lovely secret, Shhhhh!
I'm His little lamb.
Poem: Jack and Jill (Traditional)
Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water.
Jack fell down and broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling after.
Colors : Black, Brown
Shapes : Triangle, Circle
Letters: T-V
Numbers: 1-7
Information : Dad's Name
Self-care and Manners : Brush Teeth
Book of the Week:
We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Helen Oxenbury
Fine Motor Skill: Peg Puzzles
Gross Motor Skill: Going on a Bear Hunt
Suggested Activities:
• Bible:
- Color the Jesus on the Jesus the Shepherd worksheet. Using a black ink pad, stamp thumbprint lambs on the worksheet. Add a head, legs and a tail to the lambs. Add the title "My Shepherd is Always with Me."
• Colors & Shapes:
- Add a few drops of black and brown paint on the Triangle and Circle worksheet. Drag a string through the paint to spread.
• Number: This week paste torn pieces of tissue paper on the Apple Tree Number #7 worksheet. Add seven apple stickers. Continue to count items throughout the day.
• Self-care and Manners:
- Although you will still need to supervise the child brushing his/her teeth, allow the child to start the process. Help put the toothpaste on the brush and encourage the child to "make bubbles" while brushing their teeth. Work up to brushing for 2 minutes or while singing the "ABC's" song twice. Talk about brushing the front, back, top, and bottom softly.
- Place the Brush Your Teeth worksheet in a ziptop bag or plastic cover. Color the teeth with a black dry erase maker. Using an old tooth brush, allow the child to brush the black away.
• Book of the Week:
- View and print a Story Pattern by Kizclub.com to help with the sequence. Glue flannel material on the back and create a wonderful flannelgraph story.
- Click to read the ABCJLM version of "Going on a Bear Hunt."
• Fine Motor Skill: Put together peg puzzles. Encourage your child to pick up the puzzle piece using her thumb and index finger.
• Gross Motor Skills:
We're Going on a Bear Hunt is a wonderful book to work on spatial relationships and gross motor skills. Act it out as you read and have child repeat each line after you.
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