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Items Needed:
Tactile Number and Letters: 3, Bb, Child's name
CD-Rom: Charlie Church Mouse Preschool
Bible Story: Noah’s Ark
Scripture: Genesis 6-9
The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes: pg 24-31
The Beginner's Bible: pg 26-33
My Story Bible: pg 10-11
Through the Bible Felt: Story #6
Verse: John 14:15 (NIRV) - If you love me, you will obey what I command.
Tune: Hot Cross Buns
If you love me, If you love me, (cross arms at chest)
You will obey what I command (salute and then shake index finger in the air)
John 14:15, John 14:15 (form a book with hands)
You will obey what I command (salute and then shake index finger in the air)
Bible Song: Arky, Arky (Traditional)
Rise and shine (with palms up raise arms in the air, palms in air)
And give God the glory, glory (wave arms over head)
Rise and shine
And give God the glory, glory
Rise and shine
And give God the glory, glory
Children of the Lord (continue to wave arms)
( See the CD for the verses )
Poem: It’s Raining (Traditional)
It’s raining, it’s pouring
The old man is snoring
He went to bed and bumped his head
And he couldn’t get up in the morning
Letters: Bb
B - body, bubble, bubble -or- bat, around the tree, around the tree
b - body, bubble -or- bat and a ball
Number: 3
Around the tree, around the tree. That’s the way to make a three!
Name: Talk about the names of the letters in your child’s first name, work on recognizing name
Book of the Week:
Barnyard Dance by Sandra Boynton
Fine Motor Skill: Cutting
Gross Motor Skill: Bean Bags
Suggested Activities:
• Bible:
Noah’s Ark Book: Decorate the following worksheets according to the directions below. Add construction paper (front and back) covers and staple all the sheets together to form a book. Use the Noah's Ark Book to have the child retell the story to another student or adult.
Noah Obeys God – Fingerpaint discussing how Noah had to use his hands to build the ark.
Noah Gathers the Animals – Glue animal crackers on or add pictures or stickers of various animals to the worksheet. Explain to the child how Noah showed he loved God by obeying His command to build the ark and collect the animals.
Noah's Ark – Paint the lower half of the worksheet with watered-down glue. Stick small squares of blue tissue paper on the glue to create water.
- Play the "Noah's Ark" adventure on the Charlie Church Mouse Preschool Cd-Rom. Read more...
- Noah Praises God
Discuss how colors are created using the three primary colors - red, yellow, and blue. Combine the colors below and have the child guess what color will be made. On the worksheet have the child paint the six colors of the rainbow (combining indigo and violet) between the lines. Add cotton balls for clouds. red and yellow = orange; blue and yellow = green; red and blue = purple
- More Noah's Ark ideas...
• Letters:
- As shared in Week 3, introduce the letters Bb using the tactile letters and decorate the Letter Poster to add to the "Letter of the Week" book.
- Paint the bottom of the child's foot to create Butterfly Footprints. Press the feet down on paper with the left foot on the right side and the right foot on the left side. Leave a little space in between for the butterfly's body. Add this to the "Letter of the Week" book for a Bb activity. Thank you to Crystal for this cute idea!
- More Letter B activities...
• Number:
- This week paint
with a jumbo paint brush
a rainbow on the Number 3 Poster. Add three stickers.
- Read several well-known stories about three animals. Three Little Pigs
Three Billy-Goats
Three Bears
Three Little Kittens
• Name:
- This is the first week that the child will begin learning the letters in his or her name. Use tactile letters to talk about each letter. May need to create additional tactile cards if a letter is used more than once.
- Sing B-I-N-G-O with your child's name.
Example: There is a Mommy who has a boy and Fred is his name-O
F-R-E-D, F-R-E-D, F-R-E-D
And Fred is his name-O
• Book of the Week:
- Over-emphasize the /b/ sound in the word "barn."
- Have fun with this book - get off the couch and do the dance!
- Sandra Boynton has several wonderful books that are our favorites.
• Fine Motor Skill: Give the child a pair of Child Safety Scissors
and an old magazine. Let them cut, cut, cut. They may want to cut out pictures of items they want or like. This will make a mess but nothing that a broom and dustpan can't handle! Check out Teaching How to Use Scissors for ideas.
• Gross Motor Skill:
On several pieces of paper write the number 0, 1, 2, or 3. Lay the pieces of paper on the floor. Throw a bean bag at the papers and jump up and down representing the number it lands on. Then spread the numbers farther apart and have the child run to the number called.
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