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Items Needed:
Books: Bible, Corduroy
Worksheets: Zz Writing, Corduroy Bear, Armor of God, Quarter, Shape Maze
CD: Hide 'Em in Your Heart Vol. 1
Activities: Small items, quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies, shredded paper or oatmeal, magnifying glass, buttons, thread, construction paper, sponge, paint
Theme: Armor of God
Bible Story: Helmet of Salvation, Sword of the Spirit
Objective: The purpose of the Helmet of salvation and the Sword of the Spirit.
Scripture: Ephesians 6:11-17
Comprehension Questions:
What does the Armor of God protect us from?
Who gives us this Armor?
Bible Verse: Romans 10:9 (NIV) - If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
Tune: The Ants Go Marching
If you declare- with your mouth, Jesus, is Lord
And believe in your heart that God- raised Him, from, the dead,
Then you will- be saved,
You will- be saved,
Romans ten-, verse nine, declare, believe.
Boom, boom, boom.
Bible Song: My God is So Big (Traditional)
My God is so big (move hands out from each other at sides)
So strong and so mighty (make muscles with up with both arms, and then down)
There’s nothing my God cannot do (shake head “no” and cross arms in front of body”
For you (point at other person)
(Repeat Chorus)
The mountains are His (make mountains with arms above head)
The valleys are His (make valleys with arms at waist)
The stars are His handiwork too – oo – oo (Hold hands above head and make “stars” with fingers)
(Repeat Chorus)
Books of the Bible: Joel, Amos, Obadiah
Math : Money - Quarter
Science : Safety - Lost
Social Science : Helpers
Letters: Z, z
Numbers: Create Groups 0-25
Literacy: Beginning, Middle, End
Sight Word : his
Book of the Week:
Corduroy by Don Freeman
Fine Motor Skill: Cutting
Gross Motor Skill: Memory Obstacle Course
Visual Perception Skill: Mazes
Suggested Activities:
• Bible:
- Helmet of salvation
A helmet protects your head.
Salvation means to be saved from something. Biblically this salvation means to be saved from death (Unit on Salvation in Week 34). Once we are saved, we can always defeat the devil.
- Sword of the Spirit
The sword is a weapon to fight back and defend yourself. The Sword is the Bible (Unit on the Bible starting in Week 30).
The Holy Spirit helps us recall Bible verses that we have memorized.
- Stamp the Armor of God worksheet with a rectangle-shaped sponge (like a sword) and paint.
• Math:
The quarter is worth 25 cents (1/4th of a dollar). The quarter has the profile of George Washington, the 1st President of the United States of America. The back of the quarter varies. In 1999, the US Mint began producing a series of 50 state quarters, featuring each state's history, traditions, and symbols. Then in 2010, the US Mint began producing a series featuring designs depicting national parks and other national sites. Examine the coin with a magnifying glass.
- Questions:
What shape is this coin?
What color is this coin?
Who is on the front of this coin?
What is on the back of the coin?
Where is the value of the coin printed? Point to where it is printed.
Is the edge of the coin smooth or ridged?
- Rhyme : (Original Author Unknown)
Quarter, quarter, big and bold,
You’re worth 25, I am told.
- Coin Rub: Tack down one quarter heads up and several different quarters tails up. Place a piece of paper over the coins. Using a silver crayon, color over the coins to make an impression.
- Color the head of the Quarter worksheet silver. Have the child create her own backside or redraw her state's quarter.
- Find a Coin: Hide a few pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters in a tub of shredded paper or oatmeal. Have the child name the coin and say the correct rhyme for the coin found.
- Play Store: Pretend to purchase things around the house using coins.
• Science:
- When a child is in trouble and can not find someone that she knows, teach her to look for "safe strangers." These people are police officers, teachers, fire fighters, and store employees. Tell the child to look for "uniforms." Point these people out to your child to help her recognize these safe people. (Some suggest for the child to ask for help from other moms with children.)
- "No, Go, Yell, Tell" - Review the steps on handling a dangerous situation
- Use Corduroy to discuss how to handle a situation when you are lost.
• Social Science:
Helper are builder, architect, computer engineer, teacher, baker, sales clerk, artist, etc.
- When I Grow Up
Ask the child what he would like to be when he grows up. Talk about that job and how those in this profession help others. Have the child draw a picture of himself in this role.
- Visit the library to find books on this profession and take a field trip to visit a job site.
• Letters:
Use the Zz Writing worksheet and for further learning check out the Letter Z Activities.
• Numbers:
Choose five random numbers between 0-25 and create groups to represent each number. Find several small things that represent a career that your child is interested in to create the groups. (i.e. If the child wants to be a baker, create groups using chocolate chips. If the child wants to be a teacher, create groups using pencils.)
• Literacy:
On a piece of paper draw pictures to represent the beginning, middle, and end of Corduroy.
• Book of the Week:
- Create a Corduroy Bear using the worksheet. Cut each of the pieces out as instructed on the template using construction paper or by coloring the pieces. Glue together to form a bear. Add buttons on the overalls. (Thank you, Connie, for this idea.)
- Show your child how to sew on a button.
- Talk about the emotions that Corduroy feels throughout the book. Discuss times that your child has felt that same way.
- Play "Find the Button" - Hide a large button and have your child look for it.
• Fine Motor Skills: Draw an oval, triangle, square and star using thick lines. Have your child cut around shapes that you have drawn.
• Gross Motor Skills:
Create a Memory Obstacle Course with letters and numbers. If the child is ready, ask her to get both a number and a letter.
• Visual Perception Skill: Teach pencil control with the Shape Mazes. Instruction the child to keep the pencil from hitting the lines while doing the mazes. Additional mazes available in the ABCJLM Visual Perception Workbook.
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