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Items Needed:
CD: Hide 'Em In Your Heart Vol 1
Theme: "Bee" Attitudes - Humble
Bible Story: Blind Bartimaeus
Objective: We need Jesus.
Scripture: Mark 10:46-52
My First Hands-On Bible: pg 270- 273
Through the Bible in Felt: Story #136
Comprehension Questions:
Why was Bartimaeus begging?
Could Bartimaeus help himself?
Who did Bartimaeus need?
What did Bartimaeus do when the people told him to be quiet?
What did Bartimaeus say he wanted Jesus to do?
What did Jesus do for Bartimaeus?
Verse: Romans 3:23 (NIV) - For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Steve Green - Hide 'Em In Your Heart Vol 1 - #18
Bible Song: O, How I Love Jesus (Traditional)
O, how I love Jesus,
O, how I love Jesus,
O, how I love Jesus,
Because He first loved me!
Books of the Bible: 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles
Math: Patterns - AB
Science : Seasons - Winter
Social Science : Phone Number
Letters : E, e
Numbers : Point to and Count 0-10
Literacy: Examine Outside Cover of a Book
Sight Word: of
Book of the Week:
Poppleton In Winter by Cynthia Rylant
Fine Motor Skill: Cutting
Gross Motor Skill: Bat the Ball
Visual Perception Skill: Roll-a-Picture Worksheets
Suggested Activities:
• Bible:
- For the next fifteen weeks we will be learning what is looks like to be a follower of Jesus; a Christian. With the help of the Holy Spirit, our attitude and "bee"-havior should be like His. Each week, the child will fill out the "Bee" Attitude worksheet. At the end of the study, combine the worksheets to create a book. This week's "Bee" Attitude is being humble. In the top tier of the bee hive, have the child write the attitude of the week. In the next tier, have the child draw a picture of the Bible story. In the bottom tier, ask the child to draw a picture of himself having this attitude. (Only one worksheet is provided in the 5 Year Workbook.)
- Humility - Being humble is the opposite of pride, arrogance, and bragging; understanding that if you do anything good, the glory belongs to God; understanding that "we all sin and fall short of the glory of God." Being humble is encouraging others, saying sorry, and praising God for who He is. When Bartimaeus heard Jesus coming he began to shout because he knew that Jesus was the only One that was able to help him. He knew he needed Jesus.
- Using blindfolds, have the child try to do a simple activity or play Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Help the child understand how excited Bartimaeus must have been to have his sight restored.
• Math:
- Cut out the images on the Winter Patterns worksheet and create AB patterns.
- Use Battleship pieces to count pegs and create AB patterns. (Thank you, Shannon for sharing this idea.)
• Science:
- Handprint Season Trees:
Tree - Paint the child's hand and arm brown. Press down on a piece of paper. Roll the arm a little to make the tree trunk bigger. Allow to dry. You can also draw around the child's arm and hand on brown paper and cut it out to minimize the mess.
Snow - Dip a fingertip into white paint mixed with a small amount of blue and press on the paper.
- Months – December, January, February
Holidays – Christmas, New Years, Valentine’s Day, Family Birthdays
Weather – Cold, snow, ice
Clothing – Winter coats, gloves, hats, sweaters
Plants – Trees are without leaves, plants are brown
Activities – Sledding, caroling, snowball fights
- Ice Fishing Object Lesson
Place several dozen ice cubes in a large bowl filled with cold water. Place an empty bowl beside it. Cut a piece of string or yarn 12" long. Instruct the child to "fish" for ice cubes using the string. Allow the child to try and "catch" an ice cube. Once the child has declared, "I can't," explain that he is correct. Lay the string on an ice cube and sprinkle with salt. Wait a little while for the salt to melt the ice and the water to refreeze. (You may need to practice this beforehand to figure out the timing.) Gently pick up the ice cube. Explain that we are like the string and the ice cubes are Heaven. No matter how hard we try and because we "all have sinned," we will never be able to grasp Heaven. We can't get to Heaven because of what we do. We need Jesus. Jesus is the salt that melts away ours sin. He will become part of our life if we ask Him to. (Allow the child to fish out the ice cubes when finished.)
- Winter Ice Skating
Give the child two paper plates, one for each foot. Step on the plates and pretend to ice skate across the room. Advise the child to keep her feet on the plates and glide around the room. Caution: Depending on the flooring, you may need the hold the child's hands.
- Color and cut out the snowman pieces on the Snowman Game worksheet. Build a snowman. Have the child close his eyes and remove a piece. Ask the child which piece is missing. Continue playing by removing different pieces. When finished, glue the snowman to a piece of construction paper. Activity used again in Week 16.
- Winter Sensory Tub: Pour packing peanuts into a large tub. Play in the "snow" using buckets, shovels, or toy tractors. Hide small objects in the peanuts to correspond with the Bible story of Blind Bartimaeus. Blindfold the child and have him find and describe the items found.
- Click for more ABCJLM Four Season Ideas
• Social Science:
- It is very important that your child can say his phone number. Setting the number to a song will help make sense of the numbers. There are two songs can be used. "Muffin Man" - Do you know your phone number...555-1234 -or- "Camptown Ladies" - 555-1234 Fred's phone number...That is Fred's number. Write the phone number and point to each number allowing the child to see the progression as you sing the song.
- Show the child how a hyphen separates the seven numbers when writing a phone number.
- If you typically use a cell phone, have the child memorize this number as well.
- On a phone, have the child practice dialing his home or parent's cell phone number.
• Letters:
Use the Ee Writing worksheet and for further learning check out the Letter E Activities.
• Numbers:
Write the numbers 0-10 on a piece of paper or use number flashcards. Point to and count each number.
• Literacy:
Front Cover - Here you can find the name of the author, illustrator, and often times a cover picture.
Spine - The spine says the name of the book and the last name of the author.
Back Cover - This side gives a little information about the book and sometimes the author.
Title - The title is the name of the story or book and gives a clue on what the story or book is about.
• Book of the Week:
- (Visual Perception Activity)
- Point out specific winter ideas in the words and illustrations of this book to tie with the Seasons Unit this week.
- Do any of the "snow" crafts and activities that time didn't allow during Week 2.
• Fine Motor Skill: Paint and cut along spiral lines on the Spiral Snail worksheet to create a snail. Check out Teaching How to Use Scissors for ideas to use scissors.
• Gross Motor Skill: Have your child stand opposite you about seven feet apart. Before throwing a large, soft ball or beach ball toward your child, say "up", "down", "low", "high", or "catch." Depending on what you say, throw the ball in relationship to the child's body and have her bat the ball away with her hands folded together. If you say "catch", throw the ball toward the child and have her catch it. This requires another level of thinking. At first, have your child show you where the ball will be. As she improves, give her less time before the ball is thrown.
• Visual Perception Skill: Play Roll-a-Snowman and Roll-a-Butterfly games according to the directions on the worksheets. Additional games are available in the ABCJLM Visual Perception Workbook.
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