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Items Needed:
Books: Bible, The Berenstain Bears and the Truth
Video: Veggie Tales: “Wonderful Wizard of Ha’s”, Veggie Tales: God Wants Me to Forgive Them?
CD-Rom: Charlie Church Mouse Kindergarten (optional)
Theme: "Bee" Attitudes - Forgiveness
Bible Story: Prodigal Son
Objective: God wants us to forgive others just as He forgives us when we ask.
Scripture: Luke 15:11-24
My First Hands-On Bible: pg 296-301
The Beginning Reader's Bible: pg 127-131
Through the Bible Felt: Story #133
Comprehension Questions:
What did the son ask his father to give him?
What did the son do with the money?
What are the bad choices that the son made? (sin)
Why was the father so happy?
Even though his son made very bad choices, the father still loved his son and was happy to have him home. When you make bad choices do your parents still love you?
Verse: Ephesians 4:32 (ESV) - Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
Tune: Are You Sleeping? or Where is Thumbkin?
Be- kind-, to one another
Tenderhearted, forgiving one another,
as- God in Christ-, for-gave- you-.
Ephesians 4:32, Forgiving one another.
Bible Song: Happy All the Time - YouTube
Chorus: (gradually get faster)
I’m inright (point at self)
Outright (point out)
Upright (point up)
Downright (point down)
Happy all the time (clap 3x)
Books of the Bible: 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles
Math: Pattern - ABB
Science: Seasons - Spring
Social Science: Phone Etiquette
Letters: Y, y
Numbers: Write 0-10
Literacy: Examine the inside of a book
Sight Word: you
Book of the Week:
The Berenstain Bears and the Truth by Stan and Jan Berenstain
Fine Motor Skill: Play Dough
Gross Motor Skill: Jumping to Hit a Ball
Visual Perception Skill: Block Activity
Suggested Activities:
• Bible:
- Place the Prodigal Son Feeds the Pigs worksheet in a jelly roll pan. Squeeze small amounts of paint on worksheet. Set a few marbles on the paper. Roll the marbles around by carefully shifting the box from side to side and forward and backward. The marbles will roll the paint around to decorate the worksheet.
- Sin is disobedience to God and is the opposite of what God wants to me. It is wanting what I want over what God wants for me. Because God is perfect and without sin, our sin creates a wall in our relationship. Sin must be told to God and forgiveness needs to be asked of. Confessing sin is admitting to God that I have done wrong. The Prodigal Son admitted that what he did was wrong and in his attitude he asked for forgiveness. Because his father loved him, he gladly forgave him, and we know that God will always forgive us as well.
- Teach your child to end apologies with the question "Will you please forgive me? How can I help?".
- Just as we need forgiveness for the wrong that we do, we need to give forgive to those who ask for it. To explain the importance, play catch with the child. After throwing back and forth the ball for a while choose not to return a throw. Explain that when we refuse to forgive someone, it is like holding onto something and refusing to let it go. Just as holding onto the ball messed up the game, holding onto being anger and refusing to forgive can mess up friendship and families. Sometimes forgiveness is hard to do but with God's help we can forgive those who ask. (Original source of idea unknown)
- In the top tier of the "Bee" Attitude worksheet, have the child write the attitude of the week. In the next tier, have the child draw a picture of the Bible story. In the bottom tier, ask the child to draw a picture of himself having this attitude.
- View Veggie Tales Wonderful Wizard of Ha’s (Story of the Prodigal Son) or God Wants Me to Forgive Them?
- Play the "Prodigal Son" adventure and use the coloring sheets on the Charlie Church Mouse Kindergarten CD-Rom. Read more...
• Math:
- Cut out the images on the Spring Patterns worksheet and create ABB patterns.
• Science:
- Handprint Season Trees:
Tree - Paint the child's hand and arm brown. Press down on a piece of paper. Roll the arm a little to make the tree trunk bigger. Allow to dry. Can also draw around the child's arm and hand on brown paper and cut out.
Spring - Dip a fingertip into pink paint and press on the paper
- Spring Overview
Months – March, April, May
Holidays – Easter, Mother’s Day, family birthdays
Weather – Cool, rain
Clothing – Jackets, long sleeve, jeans
Plants – Trees and plants begin to bud, grass turns green, plant garden and new flowers
Animals – Baby animals are born
Activities – Flying kites
- Click for more ABCJLM Four Season Ideas
• Social Science:
The greatest teacher that you child has when it comes to phone etiquette is you. Children watch how you handle phone solicitors, phone calls during family time, and cell phone etiquette while driving, in crowds, and at home. Teach phone etiquette with your future teenager in mind!
- Suggestions:
Using practice phones, demonstrate how to answer the phone - “Hello, _____.”
Say "Who is this, please?" when the child is unsure who they are talking to.
Discuss what to say when a parent can not come to the phone - "My mom can not come to the phone right now. Can you please call back?"
Explain the importance of speaking clearing in the phone with a moderate volume.
Ask a relative or friend to call to give the child extra practice.
- Make Tin Can or Paper Cup Phones
Supplies: two tin cans with the tops removed (make sure no sharp edges remain) or two paper cups, a nail, a hammer, string, various decorations
1. Decorate each tin can or cup.
2. Turn both cans/cups upside down. In the center of each can/cup, hammer/push a nail through the bottom to make a hole. Remove the nail.
3. Poke one end of the string through the bottom of one can/cup. Make a knot on the inside. Repeat with the other end of string in the other can/cup.
4. Have each person take a can/cup and move apart until the string is taut.
5. One child places the can/cup to his ear while the other person talks directly into the other can/cup. The sound will travel over the “wire.”
How does this work? As you speak, your voice produces vibrations. If the string is stretched tight enough, vibrations will travel down the string causing the bottom of the can/cup to vibrate. This causes the air inside the can/cup to vibrate. These vibrations travel through the air to the person's ear to create sound. (Source HowStuffWorks.com)
• Letters:
Use the Yy Writing worksheet and for further learning check out the Letter Y Activities.
• Numbers:
Write numbers 0-10 on 3/4" Tracing Paper.
• Literacy:
Title Page - This page includes the names of the book, author, and illustrator.
Words - The letters together create words while spaces separate the words.
Illustrations - The pictures in the book help you better understand what is occurring in the story.
• Book of the Week:
- Discuss how the bear cubs didn't tell the truth and the consequences they faced because of it.
- Using teddy bears or dolls, role play situations where honesty is involved.
• Fine Motor Skill:
Make "snakes" by rolling play dough and then form the play dough into letters and numbers already learned.
• Gross Motor Skill:
Tie a string to the end of a beach ball and then to a higher place. Practice jumping up to hit the beach ball.
• Visual Perception Skill: Block Activity
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