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Items Needed:
Books: Bible, The Rainbow Fish
CD: Hide 'Em in Your Heart Vol. 2
Theme : "Bee" Attitudes - Giving (Tithing)
Bible Story: The Widow's Offering
Objective: Giving back to God what is already His
Scripture: Mark 12:41-43
Through the Bible in Felt: Story #144
Comprehension Questions:
How much did the widow give to God?
The rich man gave a lot more money to God than the widow did yet God liked what the widow gave better. Why?
Why does God want us to give to Him?
When you place money in the offering at church, you are giving to God. What are other ways you can give to God?
Explain what a giving heart looks like.
Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV) - God loves a cheerful giver.
Steve Green - Hide 'Em in Your Heart Vol. 2 - #9
Bible Song: His Banner Over Me is Love (Traditional)
He brought me to His banqueting table, (motion to come, hands in front with palms down and work out like smoothing a table cloth)
His banner over me is love. (hands together above the head to make a triangle, hands on shoulders, cross arms)
He brought me to His banqueting table,
His banner over me is love.
He brought me to His banqueting table,
His banner over me is love.
His banner... over me... is love.
Optional Verses:
- Jesus is the rock of my salvation, (point up, fist in other hand, cross arms in front of body to make a "t")
- There'sone way to peace through the power of the cross. (raise index finger, peace sign, hand in fist, twist index and middle fingers - These actions may be a little tough for preschool kids. Adapt where needed. )
Books of the Bible: Ezra, Nehemiah
Math: Name the Pattern
Science: Season - Summer
Social Science: Address - Street and Number
Letters: S, s
Numbers: Write 0-10
Literacy: Picture Walk - Predict what will happen
Sight Word: and
Book of the Week:
The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister
Fine Motor Skill: Paint with Cotton Swabs
Gross Motor Skill: Roll and Throw a Ball
Visual Perception Skill: Mazes
Suggested Activities:
• Bible:
- In the top tier of the "Bee" Attitude worksheet, have the child write the attitude of the week. In the next tier, have the child draw a picture of the Bible story. In the bottom tier, ask the child to draw a picture of himself having this attitude.
- The main point behind tithing is that all we have is God's and not our own. He asks that we give back to Him with a happy heart. Help the child understand the difference between the rich man and the widow's offering by using money or tokens. Give one person (rich man) many coins and the other person (widow) two. Instruct the "rich man" to place ten coins into the box. Instruct the "widow" to place in two. Look at what is left in each pile. Discuss how the widow gave all while the rich man had much left.
- My Giving Bank: Make a bank out of a cylinder container. Cut a slit in the lid. Decorate and write, "I Can Give to God." Place coins and money in the bank to give to church, missionaries, or other ministries.
- As a family choose a place to serve and give (i.e. local Soup Kitchen, help an elderly neighbor, make cookies or bread for someone, give to Good Will, Samaritan's Purse) Let the child give the food to the chosen person. Discuss how he felt giving to others.
• Math: Cut out the images on the Summer Patterns worksheet and create different patterns.Have the child figure out what the pattern is. Take turn creating patterns.
• Science: - Handprint Season Trees
Tree - Paint the child's hand and arm brown. Press down on a piece of paper. Roll the arm a little to make the tree trunk bigger. Allow to dry. Can also draw around the child's arm and hand on brown paper and cut out.
Summer - Paint the hand green and press on the paper
- Summer Overview
Months – June, July, August
Holidays – Father’s Day, July 4th, family birthdays
Weather – Warm, storms, sunny
Clothing – Shorts, t-shirts, sandals
Plants – Growth, new fruit and vegetables
Activities – Swim, picnics
- Click for more ABCJLM Four Season Ideas
• Social Science:
Just as with the phone number, it is important for a child to know her address. This week focuses on the street address. Once again, setting your address to a song will help a child remember these non-sense words. The "Muffin Man" works great - 3527 West Purple Road, West Purple Road, West Purple Road....That's where Fred lives.
• Letters:
Use the Ss Writing worksheet and for further learning check out the Letter S Activities.
• Numbers:
On 3/4" Tracing Paper have the child write her box number of her address.
• Literacy:
- To get started, grab your favorite little munchkin and a new book. Sit side-by-side on a comfy couch or chair. Enjoy the extra cuddle time. Don't forget to turn off the TV and radio. Put the cell phone out of reach and on silent. Designate this section of the day as uninterrupted time.
- Before reading a new story with your child, get in the habit of first taking a "Picture Walk." It is called a “picture walk” because you "walk" through the pictures or preview the story without reading any words.
- This activity helps build interest in the story, aids in comprehension, develops imagination, and teaches the child to use visual clues as a reading strategy. Although important with preschool aged children, this practice is essential with children learning how to read.
- Begin by looking at the cover picture while reading the title and the author's name. Using these clues, ask the child, "What do think this story will be about?" Review the title and author's name while looking at the title page.
- Without reading a word, slowly cruise through the entire book. Spend time looking at every picture. Ask questions that include the five "W's" and one "H" word - who, what, when, where, why, how. Be sure to focus on the emotions of the characters. (i.e. What is the bear doing? How does the little boy feel? When is the story taking place?)
- Answer the child's responses with statements that will peak the child's interest in the book. (i.e. Maybe you are correct. Let's see if that is what will happen. What made you think this?)
- Begin reading the story. Without losing comprehension, continue to have short conversations about the book and illustrations during and after reading each page. Ask the child, "What do you think will happen?"
- It may seem that Picture Walking through a book is wasting precious reading time. On the contrary, this activity is an imperative part of the reading process.
• Book of the Week:
- Paint with water colors the Rainbow Fish worksheet. While the paint is still wet, sprinkle with salt. Allow the painting to dry and then brush off the salt. A pretty stained-glass look will be left!
- Make fish handprints. Paint the child's hand orange or as a rainbow. Add a mouth, eyes, water, and air bubbles.
- This book is a great introduce to sharing and friendship. Use this book to further explain the "Bee-Attitude" of giving from the Bible story this week. Be sure to picture walk through the book.
- Eat goldfish while reading the book.
• Pragmatic Activity
Pragmatics is the study of language in a social setting. Periodically throughout this curriculum, I encourage you to choose from the ideas available on the ABCJLM website to help the child use language appropriately in social situations. Select one or more of the example pages to discuss.
• Fine Motor Skill: Sponge paint God Loves a Cheerful Giver using cotton swabs.
• Gross Motor Skill: Using a large ball such as a beach ball, sit on the floor and roll or throw the ball back and forth. Use this play time to talk to your child about his likes/dislikes, fears, wishes, etc. or review memory verses.
• Visual Perception Skill:
Teach pencil control with the Fish Maze. Instruction the child to keep the pencil from hitting the lines while doing the mazes. Additional mazes available in the ABCJLM Visual Perception Workbook.
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