Scripture: Joshua 6
The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes: pg 134-135
The Beginner's Bible: pg 132-135
My Story Bible: pg 30-31
Through the Bible Felt: pg 81-82
Around the Wall of Jericho
Tune: Mulberry Bush
Around the walls of Jericho
Jericho, Jericho
Around the walls of Jericho
The Israelite army went.
Hear the people give a shout
Give a shout, give a shout
Hear the people give a shout
The walls came tumbling down.
Sheet available in the Bible Activity Workbook
- Stamp paint on the sheet with a rectangular sponge
Free Coloring Sheets for Immediate Family Use - Battle of Jericho
Jericho Walls
Build a wall using large blocks or tissue boxes, then march around the "walls" while playing homemade musical instruments (instructions below). After completing your laps, have fun knocking the walls down, reenacting the fall of Jericho.
Count out piles of five Bugles snacks and then eat while listening to the story of Joshua. Remind your child that the horns were played as the people marched around the walls.
Create homemade instruments for your child to play while pretending to march around the walls of Jericho.
Place a few dried beans or rice onto a paper or plastic plate. Take a second plate and place it upside down on top, sealing the beans inside. Staple the edges to secure it. For extra fun, decorate with streamers, yarn, stickers, or markers. Another option is to place dried beans inside a plastic Easter egg and tape it shut.
Take an empty oatmeal container with a lid and cover the sides with paper to decorate. The child can drum along as they march!
Poke holes around the edge of a paper plate, then push the base of small jingle bells through each hole. Tie the bells together underneath with yarn to secure them. Decorate and add streamers for flair. Alternatively, use a plastic bowl, threading the jingle bells through the holes and securing them with pipe cleaners.
Find two metal lids from baby food or other glass jars. Carefully poke a hole in the center of each lid using a hammer and nail. Fold a 3-inch pipe cleaner in half and thread it through the hole, twisting the ends inside the lid. Fold the pipe cleaner so the ends are secured against the base, then use the pipe cleaners as handles while your child bangs the lids together like cymbals.
Available in the Old Testament Curriculum and 3 Year Interactive Bible Stories
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