Child playing musical instruments.

Preschool Bible Songs:  List #4

Bible songs are a wonderful way to reinforce key lessons and help children remember important stories. In this section, you’ll find songs with titles from P-Z, each designed to make Bible learning fun and engaging. These songs will add energy and excitement to your time of teaching.

Tap for the full collection of Bible songs.

images by chesserie

All songs are "Traditional" unless otherwise noted.

Praise Him, Praise Him

Praise Him, praise Him,
All you little children,
God is love, God is love.
Praise Him, praise Him,
All you little children,
God is love, God is love.

Add optional verses:
Love Him...
Know Him...
Serve Him...
Crown Him...

Praise Ye the Lord

Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah,
Praise ye the Lord,
Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelu, Hallelujah,
Praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the Lord,
Hallelujah, Praise ye the Lord, Hallelujah,
Praise ye the Lord, Hallelujah,
Praise ye the Lord!

Find Preschool Easter Activities

Group of preschool children clapping.

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Gina shares, “Our preschool has been using the ABCJesusLovesMe Comprehensive Preschool Curriculum for about 3 weeks, and I’ve seen such a great improvement in the children and teachers.”  Experience the same positive changes in your preschool classroom!

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Silent Night


Silent night (one finger up to mouth making shh motion)
Holy night (left arm horizontal in front of body, and right arm starts vertical and closes down to the left arm so both arms on top of each other, like the sun going down on the horizon)
All is calm (palms up and cross in front of body at waist height and end with arms out to your sides)
All is bright (palms facing out cross hands in front of your face and swing them out to the sides of your face)

Round yon' virgin, mother and child (rock baby motion)
Holy infant (sign for holy with left palm up in front of body, touch right index finger to left palm and make a jazz hand facing kids and move it up from left palm, to in front of your face, and end up on the right side of your face at shoulder height)
So tender and mild (rock the baby)
Sleep in heavenly peace (sleep hands by face on left side)
Sleep in heavenly peace (sleep hands by face on right side) 

View Fun Christmas Activities

Thank You, Lord

Thank You, Lord, for saving my soul
Thank You, Lord, for making me whole
Thank You, Lord, for giving to me
Thy great salvation so rich and free

Preschool Thanksgiving Ideas

The Wise Man and the Foolish Man

The wise man built his house upon the rock. (pound fist in hand ending strong on word “rock”) - 3x
And the rains came a-tumbling down! (shower rain down with fingers)

The rain came down, as the floods came up. (shower rain down with finger and then raise palms back up) - 3x
And the house on the rock stood firm! (make house with hands and hit fist to palm on word “rock”)

The foolish man built his house upon the sand. (pound fist in hand ending with palms moving out on “sand”) - 3x
And the rains came a-tumbling down! (shower rain down with fingers)

The rain came down, as the floods came up. (shower rain down with finger and then raise palms back up) - 3x
And the house on the sand went splat! (spread hands out)

So build your life on the Lord Jesus Christ. (pound fist in hand, point up for Jesus) - 3x
And the blessing will come down! (shower rain down with fingers)

The blessing will come down as the prayers go up. (shower rain down with fingers, raise prayer hands up.) - 3x
So build your life on the Lord!  (pound fist in hand, point up for Jesus)

Discover More Wise Man and Foolish Man Activities

This Little Light of Mine

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine (repeat 2x)
Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it shine
Hide it under a bushel?  No!  I'm gonna let it shine (repeat 2x)
Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it shine

Optional verse:
Don't let Satan blow it out…
Let it shine 'til Jesus comes…
Let it shine all over our home…

Explore Kindness Activities

Bible Song Packets

Bible Songs for Little Hearts ♫

Introduce little ones to God’s truths with our Bible Song Packets! Each packet features fun, age-appropriate Bible songs in both travel and posters sizes.  With colorful images and simple actions, help young hearts hide God’s Word through engaging music and playful movements!

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This is the Day

This is the day (point down)
(echo) This is the day 
That the Lord has made (point up)
(echo) That the Lord has made 
I will rejoice (wave arms)
(echo) I will rejoice
And be glad in it (point to your smile)
(echo) And be glad in it
This is the day that the Lord has made (clap)
I will rejoice and be glad in it
This is the day  (point down)
(echo) This is the day 
That the Lord has made (point up)

Fun Creation Activities for Kids

Trust and Obey

Trust and obey (march in place and then salute)
For there's no other way (cross arms in front of body)
To be happy in Jesus (move fingers to make happy smile at mouth)
But to trust and obey (march in place and then salute)

Fun Obedience Activities

Whisper a Prayer

Whisper a prayer in the morning,
Whisper a prayer at noon.
Whisper a prayer in the evening,
He will keep your heart in tune

God answers prayer in the morning,
God answers prayer at noon.
God answers prayer in the evening.
He will keep your heart in tune

Discover More Prayer Ideas


Zacchaeus was a wee little man, a wee little man was he (place both arms in front of you about a foot apart to show size)
He climbed up in the sycamore tree, for the Lord he wanted to see (climb up a tree, hand above eyes to seek)
And as the Savior passed that way, He looked up in the tree (march, hand above eyes to seek)
And he said, "Zacchaeus, you come down" (point and say)
"For I'm going to your house today, for I’m going to your house today.”  (clap on the beat)

Zacchaeus Activities for Kids


View the Complete List: Bible Songs

Discover More Songs and Rhymes for Kids

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