Elijah Fed by Ravens Flannelgraph Bible Story

Elijah Fed By Raven Bible Story

Scripture:  1 Kings-17:1-7


Elijah Fed By Raven Bible Verse

Philippians 4:19a - My God will supply all your needs.


Elijah Fed By Raven Bible Songs and Poems

My God is So Big  Traditional
My God is so big (move hands out from each other at sides)
So strong and so mighty (make muscles with up with both arms, and then down)
There’s nothing my God cannot do  (shake head “no” and cross arms in front of body”
For you  (point at other person)
(Repeat Chorus)

The mountains are His (make mountains with arms above head)
The valleys are His (make valleys with arms at waist)
The stars are His handiwork too – oo – oo (Hold hands above head and make “stars” with fingers)
(Repeat Chorus)


Elijah Fed By Raven Activity Sheet

Elijah Ravens  Sheet available in the Bible Activity Workbook

- Glue torn, blue tissue paper to the water.  

- Glue broken crackers, thinned cotton balls, or small white pompoms on the ground as food for Elijah.

- With a dot marker, add "food" on the ground.


Elijah Fed By Raven Interactive Bible Story

Available in the Old Testament Curriculum and the 4 Year Interactive Bible Stories


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