Scripture: Judges 6
The Beginner's Bible: pg 140-145
My Story Bible: pg 32-33
Through the Bible Felt: pg 86
Judges 6:12 - The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.
Sheet available in the Bible Activity Workbook
- Glue a piece of wool to Gideon's fleece.
Free Coloring Sheet for Immediate Family Use: God Chooses Gideon
Let the child feel a piece of wool as it has a much different texture than the clothes that the child wears.
Sheep Craft
Make a Lamb Mask. Cut out the lamb and glue to a paper plate. Glue cotton balls on the “wool” part of the picture between the ears. Tape or glue on a large craft stick to the back of the paper plate.
Gideon's Fleece
For Family Use: Glue cotton balls on the Gideon's Fleece worksheet to create a blanket. Act out the Bible story using this craft of the child's favorite blanket.
Available in the Old Testament Curriculum and 3 Year Interactive Bible Stories