Joseph Forgives His Brothers Flannelgraph Bible Story

Joseph Forgives Bible and Videos

Scripture:  Genesis 37-50
The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes: pg 58-74
The Beginner's Bible:  pg 71, 78, 86
My Story Bible:  pg 18-19

 Veggie Tales:  God Wants Me to Forgive Them?


Joseph Forgives Bible Verse

Ephesians 4:32b - Forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.
Tune: “Are You Sleeping?” or “Where is Thumbkin?”

Ephesians 4:32 (2x)
Forgiving one another (2x)
Just as God through Christ, has forgiven you
Ephesians 4:32, Forgiving one another


Joseph Forgives Activity Sheet

Joseph's in Jail  Sheet available in the Bible Activity Workbook

- Paint with watercolors

- Paint using q-tips or an old toothbrush


Joseph Forgives Activities and Crafts

Free Bible Coloring Sheet for  Immediate Family Use: Joseph Forgives His Brothers

Sin and Forgiveness God Removes Our Sin
Gather black pompoms and print off the Heart Template .  Discuss that sin is the bad choices we make.  Sin is like black spots on our heart.  Take turns naming a sin that we struggle with (lying, stealing, having a bad attitude, etc.) and place a black pom-pom on the heart each time.  Once the heart is covered with sin discuss how God is unable to look upon our sin.  We need to ask God's forgiveness to remove the "yuck" on our heart.  Remove a pompom one at a time while saying, "God please forgive me for ____."  Once the pompoms are gathered, discuss how God removes our sin, forgives us, and turns our heart white as snow (Ps. 51:7).

Super Soap Super Soap  Idea and image shared by Tanya
Draw the outline of a person on a piece of paper.  Discuss how sin (the wrong choices that we make) clouds up our hearts and separate us from God. Ask your child to provide examples of sins and then write the name of the sin on the figure. Explain that God's forgiveness, through Jesus, is like super soap that washes away our sins when we are truly sorry and ask forgiveness. Decorate a bar of soap using a piece of paper decorated with stamps, crayons, stickers, or markers.  Tape the label on the soap to finish.

Pencil Heart God Is Our Eraser  Reprinted with Permission
Materials :   pencils of different shapes and sizes with a good eraser on each, construction paper or craft foam heart, googly eyes

Tell the child : Look at all these pencils. They all are very different: short, tall, thin, fat - different sizes, shapes and colors. Each pencil has one thing in common, though.  Each has an eraser for when the pencil makes a mistake.  We are like the pencils.  We are all different but we all make mistakes.  But, we each have an eraser just like the pencil.  What is your eraser?  (Wait for answers)  God is our eraser and He is always with us.  When we ask forgiveness, God takes away our sins, just like the eraser wipes away the pencil's mistakes.

Directions: Cut out an approximately 2-3" heart cut from construction paper or craft foam.  Fold the heart in half horizontally and cut two small slits with scissors to thread the pencil - one near the top & one near the bottom.  Be careful not to cut the slits too big or the heart will slide off the pencil.  Allow the child to decorate the heart to look like a person (googly eyes, mouth, nose).  Thread the pencil through the heart.


Joseph Forgives Interactive Bible Story

Available in the Old Testament Curriculum


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