Child playing with Play Dough.

Play Dough

Oh, the learning provided in play dough.  Beyond the educational value when making shapes, letters, and numbers, and imaginative play, play dough is excellent for fine motor skills.

If you struggle with the mess, take the play-dough play outside or place an old table cloth or shower curtain under the child for a quick cleanup.

Play Dough Recipes

While there are many options to purchase Play Doh, I feel homemade play dough is much better.  

Play Dough Recipe

The Best Play Dough

1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
1 cup water
1 tablespoon oil
1 tablespoon cream of tartar
food coloring

Print the Best Play Dough Recipe.

This simple recipe makes very soft play dough.  The ingredients also make it safe for children to eat, though the high salt content will minimize that.  Stored in a tight container, the play dough will last for several months.  

Edible Play Dough Recipe

12 oz of peanut butter
6 tablespoons of honey
3 cups powdered milk

Combine the ingredients.  Play.  And, eat!

Allergy Warning

Play Dough Activities

Play Dough Toys

For older preschoolers, play dough toys can be added for further fine and gross motor improvements.  Use items from your kitchen such as cookie cutters, rolling pin, measure cups, and bowls.  Or, purchase sets specifically for play-dough play.

Little boy playing with play dough on Letter Posters.

Learning Mats

Using the Shape Posters (found in the 2 Year Workbook) and the Number and Letter Posters (found in the 3 Year Workbook) as a guide, form letters and numbers with play dough.

image by gisella



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