Numbers are a big part of the preschool years - learning to count, read and write, and understand 1:1 correlation. The great part is that all of this learning can be fun!
Due to the lack of fine motor skills, the 2 and 3 Year Curricula do not require a child to write numbers on handwriting worksheets. Instead, tactile numbers are a fun way to learn the correct formation of the numbers. Tactile number be purchased or homemade.
The 4 Year Curriculum uses tracing handwriting worksheets to introduce the child is writing. The 5 Year Curriculum takes handwriting to the next level in writing words and numbers.
To aid in learning the correct way to write numbers, Number Rhymes are included in the curriculum.
• Write the letter/number on an erase board, have the child trace and erase it off
• Draw with Fingerpaint
or shaving cream - over a written letter or number. Read more ...
• Trace over a large letter or number with a marker or crayon
Place a few number flashcards on the floor or a table. Give the child a *clean* fly swatter. Call out a number for the child to hit! Keep overzealous swatters in line with rules like "Swatters Up!" and for the child to only hit the flashcard one time and hold it for a second. Idea from Jen
• Draw a number on the child’s back or have the child draw it on your back (this is a more advanced activity)
• Using play dough or cookie dough, make number cut outs with Number Cookie Cutters
• Use Sidewalk Chalk to write big numbers on the pavement. Walk the numbers in the correct formation.
• Play Number Memory. Write each letter on an index card twice. Cut the index cards in half for perfect Memory cards.
• Using flashcards laid on a table, have the child point to various letters or numbers called out - Brainy Baby ABC Flashcards
• Play Go Fish with flashcards - "Do you have a letter that says ___?", "Do you have the number ____?" - Print ABC Cards - Option #1 , Option #2
• Write letters or numbers on large pieces of paper placed on the floor, throw a bean bag to a paper. Say the letter or number that the bean bag lands on.
• Play the Fishing Game - use homemade "fish" or magnetic letters and numbers
• Make crayon rubbings - using the sandpaper letters and numbers, place a piece of paper over the sandpaper and have the child color. The child will have the surprise of a letter or number when they finish.
• Put magnetic refrigerator letters - Magnetic Wooden Letters - or numbers into a small bag or basket. Have the child draw a number out and tell you the name. For a bigger challenge, blindfold the child and let them figure out the letter or number by feeling it.
• Lay numbers or letters on the floor and have the child hop on the numbers or letters in sequential order
• Write ¾ of a letter or number and have the child finish it
• Write on an Aqua Doodle or Magna Doodle
for something different
• Form letters and numbers with fingers, food by biting off certain parts, body by holding your arms or feet in different ways, pipe cleaners, etc.
• Computer Time - Increase the font to a large size and allow the child to type different letter or numbers
• Juice lids or milk caps with letters or numbers written on them make great game pieces
• On a sheet of dark blue construction paper, have the child arrange a length of heavy gift cord or string to resemble a letter.
Then, place it in a sunny indoor spot for several hours. Late in the day, lift the string to reveal a sun-print letter. (Idea from Preschool Education )
• In a dark room, use a flashlight to write a number on the ceiling. For another twist, post a large letter or number on the wall or ceiling and trace it with a flashlight. (Idea from Preschool Education)
• Floor Numbers - Lay out numbers and place correct the number of tokens, poker chips, or coins under the numbers to match
• Write numbers on cups so that the cups sit upside down. Place a coin/button under one of the cups. Have the child guess which cup the coin/button is under by saying the number.
• Roll a dice and count the number
• Count stairs as you go up or down.
• In an elevator, have your child find the number of the floor to push. Say the numbers as the elevator moves between floors.
• Using shallow cups, write a number on the side of each cup. Have your child fill each cup with the correct number of items - use items like cheerios, M&M’s, buttons, coins, etc.
• Ask your child to dial telephone numbers for you.
• Look at house numbers.
• While cooking, have the child get you different quantities of items (i.e. 3 sticks of butter, 2 onions, 5 crackers)
• Using flashcards, playing cards, or UNO Cards laid on a table, have your child point to various numbers called. Place objects under the appropriate numbers (toy cars, beans, noodles, etc.)
• Print one number on one clothes pin. Continue to create numbers 0-25 on individual clothes pins. Have the child clip the numbers onto a string or cardboard piece in order. (Idea from Wow! I'm Reading!)
• Put magnetic refrigerator letters or numbers into a small bag or basket. Have the child draw a number and tell you the number. For fine motor skill practice, have the child show you that number on their fingers.
• When doing activities with numbers, focus on only a few at a time. Doing all 20 numbers at a time requires too much attention span.
I also highly suggest the My First Steps to Math books for teaching numbers. Read more ...
Place flashcards or index cards with the numbers 0-6 in a bag or basket. Have your child pull out a card, say the number aloud, and then perform an action that many times. For example, they could frog jump three times, spin around twice, or run to the kitchen four times.
- Number Game - Choose the circle with the correct number of objects.
- is awesome!
- has some alaphbet games