Zacchaeus Flannelgraph Bible Story

Zacchaeus Bible Story

Scripture:  Luke 19:1-10
The Beginner's Bible:  pg 413-417
My Story Bible:  pg 104-105
Through the Bible Felt:  pg 211

Zacchaeus Bible Verse

Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
Steve Green – Hide 'Em In Your Heart, Vol 1 - #16

Zacchaeus Bible Song and Poem

Zacchaeus  Traditional
Zacchaeus was a wee little man, a wee little man was he. (place both arms in front of you about a foot apart to show size)
He climbed up in the sycamore tree, for the Lord he wanted to see. (climb up a tree, hand above eyes to seek)
And as the Savior passed that way, He looked up in the tree, (march, hand above eyes to seek)
And he said, “Zacchaeus, you come down; (point and say)
For I’m going to your house today, for I’m going to your house today.”  (clap on the beat)

Zacchaeus Poem  Shared by Amy
Zacchaeus was a rich man.
And nobody liked him very much. (shake head)
Nobody liked Zacchaeus very much mostly because... he walked all over town (walk around)
taking money from other people and giving it to the Romans who were a bunch of bullies. (grab with both arms)
One day while Zacchaeus was walking around town collecting money (walk around)
He heard that Jesus was coming and he was excited (Jump up and down in excitement)
Zacchaeus was so excited that he ran to a tree (run)
And climbed and climbed and climbed and climbed (pretend to climb)
He climbed as high as he could, to the top of the tree.
Zaccheus looked and looked to see if he could find Jesus (used hands as binoculars to look)
Can you see him?

Jesus saw Zacchaeus! And Jesus said, "Zacchaeus come down. I am coming to your house!" (shake finger)
Zacchaeus climbed down as fast as he could (pretend to climb)
He and Jesus walked to his house. (walk to a place and sit)
Zacchaeus learned so much from Jesus and decided that he needed to say he was sorry. (make sad face)
Zacchaeus had made many bad choices because of Jesus he wanted to do what was right! (make a happy face)
Zacchaeus told Jesus he was sorry and got up as fast as he could (jump up)
He ran all over town telling everyone how sorry he was and paying them back! (clap)
Zacchaeus said he was sorry because it was the right thing to do! Jesus wants us to do what is right too!


Zacchaeus Activity Sheet

Zacchaeus  Sheet available in the Bible Activity Workbook

 Glue corresponding torn construction paper to the tree.


Zacchaeus Activities and Crafts

Free Coloring Sheets for Immediate Family Use: Zacchaeus

Zacchaeus in the Tree  Zacchaeus Hand Print
Draw a tree or make one using the child's painted arm and handprints.  Draw Zacchaeus in the tree and Jesus on the ground.  Add leaves.  Image shared by Anna-Sara

Boy holding his Zacchaeus Craft.   Zacchaeus Construction  Paper Hand Print
Draw around the child's arm and hand on brown construction paper for the tree trunk.  Cut out green leaves and glue to tree.  Draw Zacchaeus and Jesus.   Image shared by Lindsay

Computer Game
Play the "Zacchaeus" adventure on the Charlie Church Mouse Kindergarten CD-Rom.  Read more...


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