Navigating the enchanting world of a 4-year-old's development is a journey filled with discovery and growth. This developmental checklist is designed to guide you through the milestones and potential considerations in your child's expansive journey from 48 to 60 months.
This checklist is the foundation of the ABCJesusLovesMe 4 Year Curriculum and serves as a roadmap for understanding how a child typically develops during these crucial months. Whether you're a dedicated teacher or a caring parent, this comprehensive overview explores key developmental areas. Utilize this tool and should any questions arise, seek professional guidance for a deeper understanding of the child's unique developmental path.
Get your child ready for kindergarten with the Complete 4 Year Curriculum. The engaging, easy-to-follow Lesson Plans and activities focus on age-appropriate academics, Bible stories, character training, and developmental skills, providing the perfect foundation for a child’s educational journey. Curriculum printed and mailed to you, ensure that your child or students are confident and prepared for the next step!
Understand of your child’s growth with our FREE 4-Year Development Checklist! This handy tool helps you track key milestones and celebrate your little one’s progress. Download your checklist today and take an active role in monitoring your child’s development!
Because each child develops in his own particular manner, it's impossible to tell exactly when or how he'll perfect a given skill. The developmental milestones will give you a general idea of the changes you can expect as your child gets older, but don't be alarmed if his development takes a slightly different course. Alert your pediatrician, however, if your child displays any of the following signs of possible developmental delay for this age range.
This article information is pulled from the following sources as well as many years of training. This information is provided as a guide only. Because every child is different consult your pediatrician as this list is a generalization.