Our Terms and Conditions allow the below Lesson Plan and Worksheets to be used for immediate family use ONLY. Use beyond this is a violation.
Character Scripture: Endurance
Philippians 4:13 (NIV) - I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Sign Language: Stop, Book, Bath, Sleep
Books: Dear Zoo, Goodnight Moon, Five Little Ducks, Owl Babies
Fine Motor: Pipe Cleaner Threading
Gross Motor: Rhythm
Suggested Activities:
• Review all objectives and books covered in the past weeks, and complete any activities that you were unable to finish.
• Taking Care of Me Activities:
Continue helping the child look a person in the eyes and state his first and last name.
• Optional Addition:
Each review week in the Complete 1 Year Curriculum includes ideas for field trips and making memories. Click to purchase the complete curriculum.
• Fine Motor Skill: Pipe Cleaner Threading - Using an empty Parmesan cheese container or other cylinder container, demonstrate for the child how to thread pipe cleaners into the container. A Parmesan cheese container allows for three sizes of holes (without lid, pour, and sprinkle). Begin with larger holes and work toward smaller.
• Gross Motor Skill: Using rhythm sticks and drum (or wooden spoons and pans), make music while singing this week's nursery rhyme and Bible song.
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ABCJesusLovesMe™ is an educational ministry that equips adults with materials needed to be intentional in educating children. ABCJesusLovesMe provides five comprehensive, research-based curricula for ages 1-5 that focus on academics, development, and Bible learning through play. Additionally, a Bible curriculum, unit studies, digital downloads, and the Be Intentional Planner accompany the core curricula. These materials are sufficient on their own, but the heart of ABCJesusLovesMe is to offer guidance, support, trainings, and direction to make your educational efforts at home, preschool, or church successful.
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