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Bible Symbol: Universe
Bible Story: Creation
Scripture: Genesis 1
Read & Share Toddler Bible: pg 10
ABCJLM Interactive Bible Story
Bible Song: Do You Know Who Made the World? (Idea by Connie)
Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb or Do You Know the Muffin Man?
Do you know who made the world,
Made the world, made the world?
Do you know who made the world?
It was God who made the world.
Replace the word "world" with other things that God created (monkey, my head, my thumbs, etc.)
Character Scripture: Confidence
Philippians 1:6 (NIV) - Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Poem: Where is Thumbkin? (Traditional)
Tune of: Frère Jacques (Are You Sleeping)
Where is thumbkin? (Start with hands behind back)
Where is thumbkin?
Here I am (Bring right thumb to front)
Here I am (Bring left thumb to front)
How are you today sir?
Very well, I thank you (Wiggle thumbs as if they are "talking" to each other)
Run away (Hide right hand behind back)
Run away (Hide left hand behind back)
Color: Orange
Shape: Rectangle
Animal: Monkey
Taking Care of Me: Where is my underwear/diaper? Am I wet, dirty, or dry?
Sign Language: Diaper - pointing toward the floor, tap your index and middle finger to your thumb at your waist
Book of the Week:
From Head to Toe by Eric Carle
Fine Motor Skill: Obedience/Stack Blocks
Gross Motor Skill: Log Roll
Suggested Activities:
• Bible Story Activities:
-ABC Book: Paint with orange watercolor the Universe worksheet.
• Color Activities: Color Box - Walk through your home or classroom and collect orange items to place in a container.
• Shape Activities: Play Dough Shapes - Roll orange play dough into snakes and lay on the Rectangle worksheet to form a rectangle. Allow the child to play with the rectangle as you discuss the shape.
• Animal Activities:
- Hang the Monkey worksheet on a vertical surface. Using the side of a kitchen sponge, stamp orange paint on the Monkey worksheet.
- Find pictures of monkeys in the books that you read.
- Crawl on your hands and feet and pretend to be a monkey.
• Taking Care of Me Ideas:
Combine signing "diaper" to discuss whether the child is wet, dirty, or dry. These are the beginning stages of potty training.
• Book of the Week Ideas:
- Do the animals' actions while reading.
- Find orange objects in the illustrations.
• Fine Motor Skill: Continue obedience training by teaching the child to obey the commands "wait" and "go" by building a tower. As you build, tell the child to "wait" to tear it down. Then say "go" to let the child know it is time to knock the tower over. Start with a short tower and increase as the child develops self-control to wait.
• Gross Motor Skill:
Log Roll - Show the child how to lay on the ground and roll from one point to another.
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