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Bible Symbol: Tree
Bible Story: Zacchaeus
Scripture: Luke 19:1-10
Read & Share Toddler Bible: pg 162
ABCJLM Interactive Bible Story
Bible Song: Head and Shoulders (Traditional)
Tune: “Mary Had a Little Lamb”
Head and shoulders, knees and toes
Knees and toes (Repeat 2x)
Head and shoulders, knees and toes
Clap your hands together
(Start slow and gradually increase the speed as you sing and do actions)
Character Scripture: Perseverance
Galatians 6:9 (NIV) - Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Poem: I'm a Little Tea Pot (Traditional)
I'm a little teapot, short and stout (point to self, show "short")
Here is my handle (one hand on hip)
Here is my spout (other arm out straight)
When I get all steamed up, hear me shout
Just tip me over and pour me out! (lean over and "tip" like a teapot)
Color: Red
Shape: Heart
Animal: Ant
Taking Care of Me: Where are my socks?/Remove socks
Sign Language: Stay - extend the thumb and pinkie, with palm down move the "y" shaped-hand downward
Book of the Week: Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney
Fine Motor Skill: Stickers
Gross Motor Skill: Rhythm Sticks and Drums
Suggested Activities:
• Bible Story Activities:
- ABC Book: Add red "apples" to the Tree worksheet with a red dot marker.
• Color Activities: Color Box - Walk through your home or classroom and collect red items to place in a container.
• Shape Activities: Play Dough Shapes - Roll red play dough into snakes and lay on the Heart worksheet to form a heart. Allow the child to play with the heart as you discuss the shape.
• Animal Activities:
- Make a loose ball of aluminum foil. Stamp it into the red paint and stamp on the Ant worksheet that is hung on a vertical surface.
- Find pictures of ants in the books that you read.
- Ant on a Log - spread peanut butter (or similar ingredient) on a peeled banana (the log) and place raisins (the ants) on the peanut butter
• Taking Care of Me Activities:
To help the child be successful in taking off socks, partially remove the sock by pulling it over the heel and then allowing the child to remove it the rest of the way.
• Sign-Language:
As you continue to work on Stop/Go/Stay/Come from last week, add the sign "stay" to help the child remember to stay in one place.
• Book of the Week Ideas:
- This is a wonderful book to snuggle up with your toddler and remind them how much you and God love them.
• Fine Motor Skill: Removing and adding stickers to a paper is a great fine motor activity. For only a few dollars, a multitude of sticker books are available. Assist the child in removing the sticker and allow him to place it on another page. This is a wonderful quiet activity for restaurants, church, and other locations.
• Gross Motor Skill: Using rhythm sticks and drum (or wooden spoons and pans), make music while singing this week's nursery rhyme and Bible song.
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