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Bible Symbol: Gift
Bible Story: The Widow's Offering
Scripture: Mark 12:41-43
ABCJLM Interactive Bible Story
Bible Song: Pat the Bible (Original Source Unknown)
Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Pat, pat, pat the Bible
God wants us to know
That it is a special book
And He loves us so
Character Scripture: Thankfulness
I Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV) - Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Poem: Where is Thumbkin? (Traditional)
Tune of: Frère Jacques (Are You Sleeping)
Where is thumbkin? (Start with hands behind back)
Where is thumbkin?
Here I am (Bring right thumb to front)
Here I am (Bring left thumb to front)
How are you today sir?
Very well, I thank you (Wiggle thumbs as if they are "talking" to each other)
Run away (Hide right hand behind back)
Run away (Hide left hand behind back)
Additional verses:
Where is pointer?
Where is tall man?
Where is ring man?
Where is pinkie?
Where is whole family?
Color: Purple
Shape: Heart
Animal: Bunny
Taking Care of Me: Where are my fingers?
Sign Language: Help - place your fist (with the thumb raised) on the palm of your other hand, lift both together
Book of the Week: Pat the Bunny by Dorothy Kunhardt
Fine Motor Skill: Stacking Blocks
Gross Motor Skill: Toy Clean Up
Suggested Activities:
• Bible Story Activities:
- ABC Book: Spread a thin layer of glue on the Gift worksheet. Lay small purple construction paper squares on the gift.
- My Giving Bank: Make a bank out of a cylinder container. Cut a slit in the lid. Decorate with a bow. Place coins and money in the bank to give to church, missionaries, or other ministries. (Do not allow child to play with money.)
• Color Activities: Color Train - Add a purple train to your Color Train by having the child color, with a jumbo crayon, the purple train. Display the train at the child's level to point and discuss the colors.
• Shape Activities: Using purple construction paper, cut out a large heart. Using minimal water, have the child water paint the heart. Talk about the shape as the child paints.
• Animal Activities:
- On the Bunny worksheet, drop little dots of red and blue fingerpaint. Allow the child to fingerpaint the bunny by combining the colors to form purple. Emphasize "fingers" as you fingerpaint.
- Use words like fluffy, jump, and hop when talking about a bunny.
- Find pictures of bunnies in the books that you read.
- Hop around the room like a bunny. (Hold the child's hands if you need to.)
• Book of the Week Ideas:
- This book is a Touch and Feel book allowing the child to encounter many senses. Demonstrate and then allow the child to experience each.
- Touch and Feel books are a great time to teach the child gentleness. If the child is not gentle with a portion of the book, gently take her hand and rub it gently on the page.
- Point to each bunny in the book.
• Fine Motor Skill: Stack three 1" blocks. Count the stacking blocks as you or the child add them.
• Gross Motor Skill:
Toy clean up can be a trying activity for all involved when the child doesn't participate or participate willing. By starting early, making it part of the normal routine, and having fun, it can become a simple process for all involved. Have a rule that all toys must be put away before new toys are brought out. Make sure that all toys have a consistent "home" and that the child knows where this place is. Begin this week having the child put away blocks and books. Encourage the child to sign "help" if he needs help putting a toy away.
Some people like to use a "Clean Up Song" to set the tone for the activity. Here is an example:
It's Time to Clean Up
Tune: London Bridges
It is time to clean it up
Clean it up, clean it up
it is time to clean it up
Let's all help.
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