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Items Needed:
Worksheets: Happy Birthday, Jesus
Books: Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?, I Love You Through and Through, Ten Little Fish, Foot Book
Activities: Spray bottle, nylon scarf, glitter, sequins, and stickers, shaving cream
Bible Theme: Happy Birthday, Jesus
Lessons: Baby Jesus is Coming, Jesus is Born, Shepherds Worship Jesus, Wise Men Worship Jesus
Bible Story: Jesus' Birth
Verse: I John 4:8 - God is love.
Bible Song: Away in the Manger, Praise God, I'm His Little Lamb
Poems: Mary Had a Little Lamb, Five Little Bells
Colors: Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Purple, Brown, Orange
Shapes: Circle, Line, Square, Triangle, Star
Letters : A-S
Numbers: 1-5
Information: First, Middle, and Last Name; Mom's Name
Self-Care: Say "Excuse Me", "Please", and "Thank You"; Wash hands and body
Fine Motor Skill: Spray Bottle
Gross Motor Skill: Catch Scarf
Suggested Activities:
• This week finishes the "My Christmas Book." Decorate the Happy Birthday, Jesus worksheet page with glitter, sequins, and stickers and staple or bind all of the pages together to form a book. Review the Bible stories as you look through the finished book.
• Review all objectives and books covered in the past weeks, and complete any activities that you were unable to finish.
• Fine Motor Skill: Fill a small spray bottle with water. Spray water on shaving cream in the shower. If snow is available, add a little food coloring to the water and spray the snow.
• Gross Motor Skills: Throw a nylon scarf in the air and catch it. Because it floats down slowly, catching a nylon scarf is a wonderful way to help children learn to catch items thrown to them.
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