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Items Needed:
Worksheets: Star, Christmas Tree, Wise Men Puppets
Books: Bible, Foot Book
Activities: Stuffed animal, cleaning sponge, cookies or cupcakes with frosting and decorations, zip-top bags, food coloring, vinegar, macaroni, craft decorating supplies, jumbo crayons, craft sticks, scissors, glue, luffa, body soap, paint
Bible Theme: Happy Birthday, Jesus
Lesson: Wise Men Worship Jesus
Bible Story: Wise Men Worship Jesus
Scripture: Matthew 2:1-12
Read & Share Toddler Bible
ABCJLM Interactive Bible Stories
Verse: Psalm 106:1a - Give thanks to the Lord.
Tune: She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain
Give- thanks to the Lord-, give- thanks (clap, clap)
Give- thanks to the Lord-, give- thanks (clap, clap)
Psalm one hundred six verse one-, Psalm one hundred six verse one-
Give- thanks to the Lord-, give- thanks (clap, clap)
Bible Song: Away in a Manger (Traditional)
Away in a manger (rock baby in your arms)
No crib for a bed (shake head "no")
The little Lord Jesus (point up)
Laid down His sweet head (place hands beside head to "sleep")
The stars in the sky (flick fingers in the air)
Looked down where He lay (place hand on forehead and "look")
The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay (place hands beside head to "sleep")
Poem: Five Little Bells (Original author unknown)
Five little bells hanging in a row; (Fingers hanging down)
The first one said, "Ring me slow." (Wiggle thumb)
The second one said, "Ring me fast." (Wiggle index finger)
The third one said, "Ring me last." (Wiggle second finger)
The fourth one said, "I'm like a chime." (Wiggle third finger)
The fifth one said, "Ring me at Christmas time." (Wiggle fourth finger)
Colors: Green, Red, Orange
Shape: Star
Letters: Q-S
Numbers: 1-5
Information: Mom's Name
Self-care and Manners: Washing body in the shower or tub
Book of the Week:
Foot Book by Dr. Seuss
Fine Motor Skill: Crayon Rubbing
Gross Motor Skill: Red Light, Green Light
Suggested Activities:
• Bible:
- Decorate the Christmas Tree worksheet with craft decorating supplies - sequins, pompoms, glitter, stickers, etc.
- Using the Wise Men Puppet worksheet make puppets. Cut and color each piece, and place on craft sticks. Show the Wise Men following the star.
• Colors: Make sugar cookies or cupcakes. Frost and decorate with green, red, and orange.
• Shape: Place in a zip-top plastic bag a few macaroni noodles, 1 teaspoon of vinegar, and 4-5 drops of food coloring. Mix to distribute the color. Dye more macaroni in separate bags. Open the top of the bag and let dry. Place a thin layer of glue on the Star worksheet. Add the colored macaroni to create a colorful macaroni star.
- Sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" while doing this craft.
• Self-care and Manners:
With a lathered luffa or body sponge, a child can wash his/her body pretty well. Teach the child to start at the top and work down washing the top and bottom. Once shampoo is put in the child's hair, help them rub in the shampoo using their fingertips. When the child is done have fun blowing bubbles in the bathtub or shower.
• Book of the Week:
- This book focuses on opposites. While the child may not be ready to understand this concept, introduce the word and talk about it throughout the week.
- Act out the book while reading.
- Paint the bottom of the child's feet with green, red, and orange paint. Have her walk on a large piece of paper.
• Fine Motor Skill: Make crayon rubbings using various flat objects and shapes. Place a piece of paper over the item and have your child color. They will have a surprise when they finish. Use green, red, and orange colored crayons.
• Gross Motor Skill:
Play Red Light, Green Light - This game is a fun way to practice obedience (stopping when told to do so). Play this game while on a trampoline, doing an activity at the park, or running or walking beside each other. Teach the child to immediately stop when given the "red light" command. If the child learns this skill, it can be used in an emergency situation such as a parking lot.
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