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Items Needed:
Bible Theme: God Made the Animals
Lesson: Zoo Animals
Bible Story: Creation Day 6
Scripture: Genesis 1
Read & Share Toddler Bible
ABCJLM Interactive Bible Stories
Verse: Psalm 106:1a - Give thanks to the Lord.
Tune: She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain
Give- thanks to the Lord-, give- thanks (clap, clap)
Give- thanks to the Lord-, give- thanks (clap, clap)
Psalm one hundred six verse one-, Psalm one hundred six verse one-
Give- thanks to the Lord-, give- thanks (clap, clap)
Bible Song: Praise Him (Traditional)
Praise Him, praise Him,
All you little children,
God is love, God is love.
Praise Him, praise Him,
All you little children,
God is love, God is love.
Add optional verses:
Love Him...
Know Him...
Serve Him...
Crown Him...
Poem: The Itsy, Bitsy Spider (Traditional)
The itsy, bitsy spider, climbed up the water spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider out
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
So the itsy, bitsy spider went up the spout again
Color: Green
Shape: Square
Letters: H-K
Numbers: 1-3
Information: First, Last Name
Self-care and Manners: Place Dirty Clothes in the Laundry
Book of the Week:
Good Night, Gorilla by Peggy Rathmann
Fine Motor Skill: Play Dough
Gross Motor Skill: Hit a Balloon
Suggested Activities:
• Bible:
- With a piece of construction paper as the background, add stickers or pictures of zoo animals. May also glue on animal crackers. Add the number "6" to the page.
- Creation Fingerplay
On Day 1 (On numbers - put corresponding fingers in the air)
God created light (close fists and then quickly open in the air and bring down to side creating arches)
On Day 2
God created the sky (wave arms in the air) and water (make waves with hands)
On Day 3
God created land (with palms facing the floor, run hands flat in front of you) and plants (place one fist inside the other and pop the one fist through the other - sign language for plant)
On Day 4
God created the sun (hold arm up in the air with fingers spread wide), moon (with opposite arm make a "c" formation with your hand in the air), and stars (with index fingers putting up alternate right and left hand moving up in the air - sign language for stars)
On Day 5
God created the fish (swim hands with palms together) and birds (join thumbs and fly hands in the air)
On Day 6
God created animals (choose your favorite animal) and people (point with thumbs at self
• Color:
- Color one of the ABCJLM Green Worksheets with a green jumbo crayon.
- Eat green food: Apples, grapes, broccoli, green beans, lettuce, celery, zucchini, asparagus, avocados, peas, cucumber, kiwi, honeydew, spinach, limes
- Do a Color Walk: Walk around the house or neighborhood looking for green.
• Shape: Color, paint, or draw on the Square worksheet with the color green.
- Square Song - sing while doing the craft
Tune: Are You Sleeping?
Four straight sides, four straight sides
The same length, the same length
Join them together, Join them together
Squares have strength, squares have strength
- Do a Shape Walk: Walk around the house or neighborhood looking for square.
• Number: This week use markers to decorate the Apple Tree Number #3 worksheet. Add three apple stickers. Continue to count items throughout the day.
• Self-care and Manners:
Putting clothes in the laundry hamper or basket is an easy chore for 2-year-old children. Help the child make this part of his daily routine.
• Book of the Week:
- Eat animal crackers while reading the story.
- Visit a zoo or local safari.
- While reading the book, spend extra time looking at the illustrations. Go back later and name the animals. Ask several higher level questions: Why? What do you think? How?
• Fine Motor Skill: Play with play dough. Make "snakes" and balls. Add in safe kitchen utensils and cookie cutters. If possible, use green play dough. Instructions to make your own play dough.
• Gross Motor Skill:
Tie a string to the end of a beach balloon and then to a higher place. Practice jumping up to hit the beach ball.
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