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Items Needed:
Worksheet: Circle
Books: Bible, Old MacDonald Had a Farm
Bible Theme: God Made the Animals
Lesson: Farm Animals
Bible Story: Creation Day 6
Scripture: Genesis 1
Read & Share Toddler Bible
ABCJLM Interactive Bible Stories
Verse: Psalm 106:1a - Give thanks to the Lord.
Tune: She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain
Give- thanks to the Lord-, give- thanks (clap, clap)
Give- thanks to the Lord-, give- thanks (clap, clap)
Psalm one hundred six verse one-, Psalm one hundred six verse one-
Give- thanks to the Lord-, give- thanks (clap, clap)
Bible Song: Jesus Loves Me (Traditional)
Jesus loves me! This I know,
For the Bible tells me so;
Little ones to Him belong,
They are weak but He is strong.
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible tells me so.
Poem: Little Bo-Peep (Traditional)
Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep,
And can't tell where to find them;
Leave them alone, and they'll come home,
Wagging their tails behind them.
Colors: Green, Yellow
Letters: H-K
Numbers: 1-3
Shape: Circle
Information: First, Last Name
Self-care and Manners: Pick Up Toys
Book of the Week:
Old MacDonald Had a Farm by Various Authors
Fine Motor Skill: Fingerpaint
Gross Motor Skill: Roll Ball
Suggested Activities:
• Bible:
- With a piece of construction paper as the background, add stickers or pictures of farm animals. Add the number "6" to the page.
- Discuss how God made each animal with a different sound. "A cow says..."
- Creation Fingerplay
On Day 1 (On numbers - put corresponding fingers in the air)
God created light (close fists and then quickly open in the air and bring down to side creating arches)
On Day 2
God created the sky (wave arms in the air) and water (make waves with hands)
On Day 3
God created land (with palms facing the floor, run hands flat in front of you) and plants (place one fist inside the other and pop the one fist through the other - sign language for plant)
On Day 4
God created the sun (hold arm up in the air with fingers spread wide), moon (with opposite arm make a "c" formation with your hand in the air), and stars (with index fingers putting up alternate right and left hand moving up in the air - sign language for stars)
On Day 5
God created the fish (swim hands with palms together) and birds (join thumbs and fly hands in the air)
On Day 6
God created animals (choose your favorite animal) and people (point with thumbs at self)
• Colors:
Flatten a coffee filter. Draw on the filter with green and yellow washable markers. Spray once in the middle of the coffee filter with a squirt bottle. Watch for about a minute as the colors run. Spray once again and watch. You may need to spray a few more times to get the water to reach the sides.
• Shape: - Using different sized circular lids, dip the lids into a shallow container of paint and stamp onto a piece of paper. Use green and yellow paint.
- Sing the Circle Song
Tune: Up on the Housetop
Circle, circle big and round (make big circles in the air as you sing)
Where they end can not be found
Tires, balls, the earth, and sun
Making circles is so much fun.
• Number:
Using the Apple Tree Number Book, point and count the apples on the trees. Continue to point and count items you find throughout the day.
• Self-Care and Manners:
Toy clean up can be a trying activity for all involved when the child doesn't participate or participate willingly. Hopefully, by starting early, making it part of the normal routine, and having fun, it will be a simple process for all involved. Have a rule that all toys must be put away before new toys are brought out. Make sure that all toys have a consistent "home" and that the child knows where this place is. Make a game out of clean-up: try to beat the timer, have a race, or take turns picking up a toy. Some people like to use a "Clean Up Song" to set the tone for the activity. Here is an example:
Tune: London Bridges
It is time to clean it up
Clean it up, clean it up
it is time to clean it up
Let's all help.
• Book of the Week:
- Visit a local farm, petting zoo, or county fair
• Fine Motor Skill: Draw a smaller circle within the Circle worksheet. Place on a vertical surface and paint with green and yellow fingerpaint.
• Gross Motor Skill:
Using a large ball such as a beach ball, sit on the floor and roll the ball back and forth.
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