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Items Needed:
Tactile Number and Letters: 6, Hh, child's name, other letters
Worksheet: Hungry Caterpillar Leaf, Gideon's Fleece, Letter H, Number 6, God Chooses Gideon
Books: Bible, The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Activities: Painter’s tape, Children's Safety Scissors, thick lines drawn on cardstock, fabric, crayons, yarn, paint, cotton balls, paper egg carton, pompoms, pipe cleaners , googly eyes, construction paper, glue, tissue paper, set of name flashcards with extra letters
Bible Story: God Chooses Gideon
Scripture: Judges 6-7
The Beginner's Bible: pg 140-145
My Story Bible: pg 32-33
Through the Bible Felt: Story #50
Comprehension Questions:
What was Gideon afraid of?
What did the angel tell Gideon?
Did Gideon think he was strong and brave?
Verse: Judges 6:12 - The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.
(State this verse like a soldier with a deep, big voice.)
The Lord (point up)
is with you (point out)
mighty warrior! (show muscles)
Bible Song: I've Got the Joy, Joy, Joy (Traditional)
I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart
Down in my heart!
Down in my heart!
I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart
Down in my heart to stay.
And I'm so happy
So very happy
I've got the love of Jesus in my heart
Down in my heart
And I'm so happy
So very happy
I've got the love of Jesus in my heart.
Optional Verses:
I've got the love of Jesus, love of Jesus...
I've got the peace that passes understanding...
And if the Devil doesn't like it, He can sit on a tack! Ouch!
Poem: Little Bo Peep (Traditional)
Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep,
And doesn't know where to find them;
Leave them alone, And they'll come home,
Wagging their tails behind them.
Shapes: Star, Diamond
Letters: Hh
H - body, body, hold hands
h - body, hump
Number: 6
Make a loop and then a hoop! Six!
Name: Put the letters of the child's name in order with extra letters added.
Book of the Week :
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
Fine Motor Skill: Cutting
Gross Motor Skill: Walk Shapes
Suggested Activities:
• Bible:
- Color with crayons the God Chooses Gideon worksheet. Glue a piece of fabric on the fleece in the worksheet.
- Glue cotton balls on the Gideon's Fleece worksheet to create a blanket.
- Let the child feel a piece of wool as it has a much different texture than the clothes that the child wears.
- Act out the story using the child's favorite blanket. (Idea from Emily)
• Memory Verse:
Create a maze throughout the house with yarn. Add zigzag and wavy lines. Along the maze at different intervals, tie three bows on the yarn. Have the child walk along the yarn and stop every time he comes to a bow. Have him repeat the memory verse at each bow. You can also use this activity as a time of praise where you stop at each bow and tell God one thing that you are thankful for. (Reprinted with Permission)
• Star and Diamond
Add to your Shape Family by creating a Star and Diamond Buddy. Cut a large star/diamond out of construction paper. Accordion-fold long, thin pieces of paper to form legs and arms. Glue to the shapes. Add a face with a corresponding shape for the eyes and nose. May also add shoes, hands, hair, or other accessories.
• Letters:
- Introduce the letters Hh using the tactile letters and decorate the Letter Poster to add to the Letter of the Week book.
- Make sure your child does not add a vowel to the end of /h/ as in /huh/
- When saying the /h/ sound – have your child put a hand up to his/her mouth to feel the air
- Show how an "H" looks like two bodies holding hands.
- More Letter Hh ideas...
• Number:
- This week tear and paste tissue paper to decorate the Number 6 Poster. Add six stickers.
• Name:
Using the tactile letters in the child's name plus an additional few, assist the child in putting the letters in order.
• Book of the Week:
- On the Hungry Caterpillar worksheet, poke seven holes in the leaf in a line. Thread a green piece of yarn through the holes. Add a large pompom at the end of the yarn for the worm's head. Add googly eyes. ~or~ On the Hungry Caterpillar worksheet, add different colored pompoms creating a worm on the leaf.
- Egg Carton Caterpillar - Cut a paper egg carton to make a single line of containers. Turn upside down and paint each container. Add black pipe cleaners for antennae, a mouth, and googly eyes.
• Fine Motor Skills: Using safety scissors, have your child cut along a thick line drawn on heavy paper (cardstock). When cutting, remind the child that the dominant hand does the cutting while the other hand moves the paper. Watch that the elbows do not point out while cutting.
• Gross Motor Skills: Use pieces of painter’s tape to make large outlines on the floor of a circle, square, triangle, etc. Have your child identify the shape and then let them walk, crawl, or hop around the edges of the shapes. Note: Do not use masking tape, as it will leave a residue.
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