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Items Needed:
Tactile Number and Letters: 6, Ii, child's name
Worksheets: I Can Serve God with My Body (Boy or Girl), Bubblin' Up, Runaway Bunnies, Hannah Prays, Letter Ii, Hannah and Baby Samuel
Books: Bible, The Runaway Bunny
Activities: Bag or basket, Magnetic Numbers (0-6), shallow plastic cups, marker, small items to fill cups, Ribbon dance (see below), dish soap, shallow bowl, straw, colored pencils, food coloring, paper plate, construction paper, large craft sticks, cotton balls, cardstock, glue, tactile Letters in name, bean bag, Tinkertoys or blocks
Bible Story: Hannah Prays for an Infant
Scripture: I Samuel 1
The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes: pg 148, 150
The Beginner's Bible: pg 156
My Story Bible: pg 36-37
Through the Bible Felt: Story #56
Comprehension Questions:
What did Hannah pray for?
What did Eli the priest tell Hannah?
What did Hannah and her husband name the baby?
Verse: I Thessalonians 5:17 - Pray without ceasing. (Explain that ceasing means stopping.)
Tune: Hot Cross Buns
Pray without ceasing, (Hands praying, one hand moves out to show "stop.")
Pray without ceasing, (Hands praying, one hand moves out to show "stop.")
I Thessalonians (Form book with hands)
5:17 (Five fingers)
Bible Song: This Little Light of Mine (Traditional)
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine (repeat 2x)
Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it shine
Hide it under a bushel? No!
I'm gonna let it shine (repeat 2x)
Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it shine
Optional verse:
Don't let Satan blow it out…
Let it shine 'til Jesus comes…
Let it shine all over our home…
Poem: 12 Months in a Year ( Author unknown )
Tune of: “Twelve Little Indians”
January, February, March, and April (put up one finger per month)
May, June, July, and August
September, October, November, December (close fist on "November" and "December")
These are the months of the year (clap, clap, clap, clap)
Letters: Ii
I - body, roof, floor
i - down, dot
Number: 6
Make a loop and then a hoop! Six!
Name: Trace tactile letters
Book of the Week:
The Runaway Bunny by Margaret Wise Brown
Fine Motor Skill: Pick up Small Objects
Gross Motor Skill: Ribbon Dance
Suggested Activities:
• Bible:- Praying Hands - Trace around each of the child's hands with fingers together. Cut out and glue together. Write the Bible verse on one side.
- I Can Serve God with My Body (Adapted from Hands-On Bible Curriculum)
Using the "I Can Serve God with My Body" Boy or Girl poster have the child identify the body parts. Explain that the Bible story this week is about a very special lady named Hannah. She loved God with all of her heart; she used her mouth and hands to pray to God; she used her feet to go back and forth from church; she used her ears to listen to God. Then ask the child, "How can you use your ____ to honor or do things for God?" Fill in each line with the child's response. To finish allow the child to color the page.
- Pour soapy water and food coloring in a shallow bowl. Gather a drinking straw and the Bubblin' Up Worksheet. "I have something very exciting to show you. What do think will happen when I blow air into this liquid?" (Begin to blow bubbles. Stop when the bubbles are a few inches high.) "Wow! What happened?" (bubbles were created) "See how the bubbles are rising upward and piling on top of each other. They are rising higher and higher! That's what our prayers do. When we pray and talk to God, our prayers rise up to heaven to God. (Blow again to create more bubbles.) God captures our prayers in His heart. (Place the heart printable upside down on top of the bubbles. The bubbles will pop leaving a colorful design on the paper. Show the child.) God remembers our prayers and He promises to answer each one of them in His time and in His way. Today we are going to read a story about a mommy who prayed and asked God to give her a son. Let's turn in our Bibles to I Samuel 1 and read about Hannah." Allow the child to make her own bubble heart after finishing the story. Instruct the child to blow and not suck on the straw. (Adapted from Unknown Original Source)
- I'll Pray (Author Unknown)
Tune: The Ants Go Marching In
When I'm feeling sad and blue, I'll pray! I'll pray!
When I don't know what to do, I'll pray! I'll pray!
God is with me every day.
God is listening when I pray.
So, I'll talk to God every day, I'll pray!
- Click for more Hannah Bible Activities and Printables...
• Shape:
Create shapes out of Tinkertoys or blocks on the ground and throw bean bags into the "called" shape. (Thank you to Dina for this idea.)
• Letters:
- Introduce the letters Ii using the tactile letters and decorate the Letter Poster to add to the Letter of the Week book.
- More Letter Ii ideas...
• Numbers:
Place the numbers 0-6 into a bag or basket. Have you child draw out one and tell the name.
• Name:
Using tactile letters, have your child trace over letters with her finger. Say the Letter Formation Chant as you trace each letter.
• Book of the Week:
- In the illustration of the mother bunny rocking the baby bunny, point out the picture of the cow jumping over the moon. Review Hey Diddle, Diddle from Week 7.
- Create a Paper Plate Bunny by gluing construction paper ears to the top of the paper plate. Add two eyes, mouth, nose, and whiskers.
- Cut out the Never Run Bunnies worksheet and back with cardstock. Glue cotton balls on the bunnies’ tails. Glue to a large craft stick or a ruler. Play hide and seek allowing the little bunny to hide. Use this opportunity to explain that we can never run away from God or His love.
• Fine Motor Skills: Using shallow cups , write a number (0-6) on each cup. Have the child fill each cup with the correct number of small items: chocolate chips, buttons, coins, etc. Make sure that your child picks up the small items with their thumb and index finger. For fun, time the activity.
• Gross Motor Skills: Ribbon Dancing - Attach ribbons, streamers, or scarves to the end of a ruler, dowel, paper towel holder, or straw. Hold the ribbon swirling it from side to side, up and down, etc. Be sure to switch hands. This activity improves hand-eye coordination.
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