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Items Needed:
Books: Because a Little Bug Went Ka-Choo!, Mr. Putter & Tabby Bake the Cake, Guess How Much I Love You, Little Bear's Visit
Worksheets: Choose the letters or numbers that need review
Activities: Bean Bags, Parquetry Block Super Set, toy phones, pointy ice cream cone, frosting, assorted candies,
Character Traits: Self-Control, Gentleness, Kindness, Love
Books of the Bible: Matthew - Colossians
- First & last name
- Phone number
- How to dial the phone and correctly answer it
- Full address
Fine Motor Skill: Ice Cream Cone Trees
Gross Motor Skill: Bean Bags
Visual Perception Skill: Block-to-Block
Suggested Activities:
Review all objectives and books covered in the past weeks, and complete any activities that you were unable to finish.• Math:
- Play the “Opposites Game.” Explain that “I am going to say a word and I want you to say the opposite.” (i.e.Day/Night; Off/On; Over/Under)
- Discuss various character traits learned during the past seventeen weeks. Focus on the positive and negative aspects of each.
• Information:
Continue to have your child practice dialing 911, tell the "dispatcher" his name, the emergency, and his address.
• Fine Motor Skills: Ice Cream Cone Tree
Place a pointy ice cream cone (sugar cone) upside down on a plate. Frost and decorate with assorted candies. Discuss colors, spatial concepts, and sorting during the project. Turn into a Christmas tree if desired.
• Gross Motor Skills:
On several pieces of paper write the number 0-10. Lay the pieces of paper on the floor. Throw a bean bag at the papers and jump up and down representing the number it lands on. Then spread the numbers farther apart and have the child run to the number called.
• Visual Perception Skill: Block-to-Block
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