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Items Needed:
Tactile Letters: g, q
Books: Bible, God, I Need to Talk to You About Paying Attention, The Hat
Worksheets: Lowercase "c" Characters, Four Seasons (Spring & Summer), Martha, Draw 1-1, Draw 2-1
Games: Twister
Activities: Old catalogs and magazines, four pieces of paper, glue, Children's Safety Scissors, season activities (see below), paint, craft sticks
Character Trait: Attentive
Definition: Listening by keeping your hands in your lap, mouth closed, ears listening, eyes watching; focused
Opposite: Distracted, busy, daydreaming
Bible Story: Mary & Martha
Objective: Mary paid attention to what was important. Jesus is the most important part of our life.
Scripture: Luke 10:38-42
The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes: pg 284-285
The Beginner's Bible: pg 385-390
My Story Bible: pg 94-95
Through the Bible in Felt: Story #131
Comprehension Questions:
Name the people in the story.
What did Mary do while Jesus was at their house?
What did Martha do while Jesus was at their house?
When Martha started to complain, what did Jesus tell her?
Doing work is very important, but it is always more important to listen to Jesus. What would be more important than work?
Verse: Proverbs 19:20 - Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.
Tune: This Little Light of Mine (Thank you to Lynn for sharing this)
Listen to advice
And accept instruction
That you may gain
Wisdom in the future.
Proverbs 19
Verse 20
Bible Song: If You’re Happy and You Know It (Traditional)
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands (clap, clap) (Repeat 2x)
If you’re happy and you know it then your life will really show it.
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands (clap, clap)
Optional verse:
…stomp your feet…
…say amen…
…do all three…
Books of the Bible: I, II Thessalonians and I, II Timothy and Titus
Math: 4 Seasons – Spring & Summer
Letters: g, q
g - little curve and hook forward
q - little curve and hook backward
Information: 12 Months of the Year ( Author unknown )
Tune of: “Twelve Little Indians”
January, February, March, and April (put up one finger per month)
May, June, July, and August
September, October, November, December (close fist on "November" and "December")
These are the months of the year (clap, clap, clap, clap).
Book of the Week:
The Hat by Jan Brett
Fine Motor Skill: Cutting
Gross Motor Skill: Twister
Visual Perception Skill: Draw Worksheets
Suggested Activities:
• Character Trait:
- Play “I Spy” Spatial - Teach the child to pay attention to his surroundings.
“I spy something between the two lamps."
“I spy something that is in front of the blue chair.”
- Read God, I Need to Talk to You About Paying Attention by Dan Carr
• Bible:
- Martha: Place some dollops of paint on the Martha worksheet. Use craft sticks to move the paint around the worksheet.
- What's More Important (reprinted by permission)
Explain to the child that you are going to say two different things and he is to choose which one is more important.
•“What’s more important, playing with the dog or feeding him?”
•“What’s more important, getting what you want or making your mommy smile?”
•“What’s more important, eating ice cream or eating a good dinner?”
To end the game say, “But what’s the most important thing of all?” Jesus!
- Daily Choices (Adapted from original source )
Discuss choices that we face every day:
Food to eat: cookie vs fruit, potato chip vs carrot stick
Words we say: loving vs mean, praise vs hurt
Activities: pick up toys or leave them out, come when Mommy says come or ignore her request
• Math:
- Spring
Months – March, April, May
Holidays – Easter, Mother’s Day, family birthdays
Weather – Cool, rain
Clothing – Jackets, long sleeve, jeans
Plants – Trees and plants begin to bud, grass turns green, plant garden and new flowers
Animals – Baby animals are born
Activities – Flying kites
- Summer
Months – June, July, August
Holidays – Father’s Day, July 4th, family birthdays
Weather – Warm, storms, sunny
Clothing – Shorts, t-shirts, sandals
Plants – Growth, new fruit and vegetables
Activities – Swim, picnics
• Letters:
Week 20 focuses on the lowercase "c" characters g and q. Start by creating the characters using play dough snakes or pipe cleaners for the bubbles and move to writing the characters on the Lowercase "c" Characters worksheet to show the progression of the letters and numbers. Be sure to say the Letter Formation Chant as the child creates each character.
• Information:
Help the child learn the 12 months of the year by singing the song to the tune of “Twelve Little Indians.”
• Book of the Week:
- Be sure to watch the clothesline as you read the book. As you read the first time, see if you child notices the difference without pointing it out.
- Name the animals and clothing.
- Check out the fun activities on Jan Brett's website.
• Fine Motor Skills: Look through old catalogs or magazines for pictures to cut out that represent the different seasons. Label four sheets of paper, each with a season, to glue the pictures on.
• Gross Motor Skills: While playing the actual rules of Twister are probably too difficult for this age level, take turns calling out colors and body parts to match.
• Visual Perception Skill: This week focus on the Draw Visual Perception Worksheets and complete a shape drawing to draw items. For additional practice, purchase the Visual Perception Workbook..
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