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Items Needed :
Books: Bedtime for Frances, Emma Kate, The Little Red Caboose, Gregory, the Terrible Eater
Worksheets: Choose the letters or numbers that need review, 1" Tracing Paper
Activities: Alphabet Cereal, cards with short words written on them, markers or Sidewalk Chalk, soft ball, Parquetry Block Super Set, pillow or stuffed animal
Character Traits: Obedience, Persevering, Self-Control, Thankful – review meaning
Books of the Bible: Matthew - James
- First & Last Name
- Phone number
- How to dial the phone and correctly answer it
- Full Address
- 4 Seasons
- 5 Senses
Fine Motor Skill: Draw What I Draw
Gross Motor Skill: Catch
Visual Perception Skill: Block-to-Block
Suggested Activities:
• Review all objectives and books covered in the past weeks, and complete any activities that you were unable to finish.
• Math:
Write short words that begin with a few different consonants on index cards. Have your child sort the words depending on the beginning letter.
• Letters:
Buy a box of Alphabet Cereal and learn as you eat!
- Find the letters in the child’s name and put them in order.
- Play “I Spy” – Lay out several letters from the cereal. Tell your child: I spy the letter “f.” I spy a letter that says /t/. I spy a letter that is the first letter in the word “dog.”
• Information:
- Continue writing phone number and address on 1" tracing paper.
• Fine Motor Skills: "Draw What I Draw" - With sidewalk chalk outside or markers inside, have your child copy what you draw and then reverse. Remember to start with simple lines and then progress to simple shapes.
• Gross Motor Skills: Play catch with a pillow or stuffed animal.
• Visual Perception Skill: Block-to-Block
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