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Items Needed:
Books: Curious George, What Do People Do All Day, The Golden Egg Book
Worksheets: Choose the letters or numbers that need review
Activities: Legos, Easter eggs, tying shoelaces, Fingerpaint, Parquetry Block Super Set, Magnetic Letters (Aa-Zz)
Character Traits: Honesty, Courage, Love
Books of the Bible: Matthew - III John
Math: Tying shoelaces
- First & Last Name
- Phone number
- How to dial the phone and correctly answer it
- Full Address
- 4 Seasons
- 5 Senses
Suggested Activities:
• Review all objectives and books covered in the past weeks, and complete any activities that you were unable to finish.
• Math:
- Make patterns using Easter Eggs or Legos.
- Continue working on the first few steps of tying shoes.
- Using flashcards or magnetic letters, sequence lowercase and uppercase letters (A-Z).
• Letters & Numbers:
- Hide Easter Eggs filled with pieces of paper with numbers and letters on them. Once the eggs are found, have your child name the number or letter (sound). This activity may be carried further to have your child then put the numbers or letters in sequential order.
• Information:
Continue to work on your child being able to say and write her full name, phone number & address.
• Fine Motor Skills:
Fingerpaint letters, numbers, and shapes.
• Gross Motor Skills:
Create a Memory Obstacle Course asking your child to bring specifically colored Easter eggs. If the child is ready, ask him to bring two colors.
• Visual Perception Skill: Block-to-Block
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