Our Terms and Conditions allow the below Lesson Plan and Worksheets to be used for immediate family, home use ONLY.  Thank you for your honesty.

Items Needed:

Books: Hermie: A Common Caterpillar, A Pocket Full of Kisses
Worksheets: Objective Checklist, Graduation
Activities: Block to Block, pretend phone, paint, animals



Books of the Bible: Old Testament Books of the Bible

Sight Words:
I, a, the, of, you, and, is, in, was, to, that, it, on, for, he, are, as, with, his, have, they, be, at, this, from, or, one, had

Fine Motor Skill: 
Draw "My Family"
Gross Motor Skill:  Memory Obstacle Course
Visual Perception Skill:  Block-to-Block


Suggested Activities:

Review all objectives and books covered in the past weeks, and complete any activities that you were unable to finish.

Handprint Footprint Activity Create a hand and foot print to compare with the one created at the beginning of the curriculum.

5 Year Objective Checklist Use the checklist to determine what your child learned while using the 5 Year Curriculum.  Review your child’s favorite activities and focus on any objectives with which your child is still struggling.

Graduation CertificateCongratulations you finished the 5 Year Curriculum!  Use the Graduation poster to create a precious photo op to remember today.  Be sure to tag #ABCJLM or @ABCJesusLovesMe when you post it on social media!

• Fine Motor Skills :
pencil Using a blank piece of paper, have your child draw his family and correctly write the letters "My Family" on the paper.  Comparing the past pictures with the current one.  The drawings should have become more detailed with time.

• Gross Motor Skills:
Create a Memory Obstacle Course using animals (plastic, puzzle, or flashcards).  Ask for the animal by name or the sound the animal makes.

• Visual Perception Skill:
Block to Block Activity Block to Block



Congratulations!  You have finished the ABCJLM 5 Year Curriculum.  
Thank you so much for being part of the ABCJLM Family!



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