Discover the wonder of God's unique creation with our "God Made Me" page, where you can explore ideas to help children understand their special place in His plan.
Through engaging Bible stories, delightful books, joyful songs, and creative activities, children will learn about self-acceptance and how wonderfully they are made. Dive in and celebrate the beauty of being God’s masterpiece!
Scripture: Psalms 139:1-19
Read and Share Toddler Bible: pg 190-191
In God Gave Us You by Lisa Tawn Bergren, a young polar bear cub asks her mother about where she came from. The mother gently explains how she was a special gift from God, reassuring the cub of her unique and cherished place in the family. This sweet, tender story beautifully emphasizes the message of love and belonging.
I Prayed for You by Jean Fischer
Max Lucado's Just in Case You Ever Wonder is a precious book that reminds your child that God created them wonderfully and uniquely. It also reassures them that as a parent, you are always there to love, protect, and take care of them, no matter what. This heartwarming story emphasizes both God's love and the unwavering support of a parent.
Little One, God Made You Special by Amy Warren Hilliker is a sweet, short book that teaches children how uniquely special they are in God’s eyes. Through gentle, rhyming text and colorful illustrations, it emphasizes that every child is wonderfully made by God and is loved just the way they are.
When God Made You by Matthew Paul Turner is a beautifully written and illustrated book that celebrates the uniqueness of every child. It reminds children that they are a special creation, designed by God with purpose and love. The book encourages children to embrace their individuality and know that they are deeply loved by God. "You being you is God's dream coming true."
Enjoy celebrating Jesus' birthday with the Happy Birthday Jesus Workbook! This resource provides fun activities and meaningful discussions that help children ages 3-12 grasp the significance of His birth. This workbook streamlines your planning process to allow everyone an oportunity to enjoy the time.
I am God's Dream by Matthew Paul Turner reminds the child that he or she is created by God in a beautiful, amazing way. Because of this, it encourages the child to love others, serve, and work hard because "God made me me."
Hermie: A Common Caterpillar by Max Lucado tells the story of Hermie, a caterpillar who feels ordinary and overlooked compared to others. As Hermie struggles with his insecurities, he learns that God has a special plan for everyone, even the seemingly "common." This heartwarming story teaches children about self-worth, trust in God, and the idea that each person is unique and important in their own way.
It's Ok to be Different by Sharon Purtill is a beautifully illustrated children's book that celebrates diversity and individuality. The book encourages children to embrace their unique qualities and reminds them that being different is something to be proud of. Use this book to demonstrate to children how God makes every person unique with a special purpose.
In It's Not Easy Being a Bunny by Marilyn Sadler, P.J. Funnybunny is tired of being a bunny and sets out to try living with other animals. Through his journey, he learns that being a bunny might not be so bad after all, offering a lighthearted lesson about self-acceptance.
Shorten the verses as appropriate for the child's developmental level.
Tune: Deep and Wide
You made me, You made me (Point up, point to self)
In an amazing, wonderful way (Wave arms in the air)
You made me, You made me
In an amazing, wonderful way
You said, in the Psalms (Point up, place hands together to form a book)
139 Verse 14
You made me, You made me
In an amazing, wonderful way
Genesis 1:27 (NIV)
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them.
Jeremiah 1:5 (NIV)
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.
Psalm 100:3 (NIV)
Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his.
Ephesians 2:10 (NIV)
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works.
Psalm 119:73 (NIV)
Your hands made me and formed me; give me understanding to learn your commands.
Jesus loves the little ones like me, me, me.
Jesus loves the little ones like me, me, me.
Little ones like me,
Sat upon his knee,
Jesus loves the little ones like me, me, me.
Jesus loves the little ones like you, you, you.
Jesus loves the little ones like you, you, you.
Little ones like you,
Saved you through, and through,
Jesus loves the little ones like you, you, you
Tune: Old McDonald
I have hands because God made me, clap, clap, clap
I have hands because God made me, clap, clap, clap
With a clap, clap, here and a clap, clap there
Here a clap, there a clap, everywhere a clap, clap
I have hands because God made me, clap, clap, clap
Additional Verses:
I have feet because God made me, stomp, stomp, stomp
I have finger because God made me, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle
I have knees because God made me, bend, bend, bend
I have arms because God made me, reach, reach, reach
Tune: This Old Man
Sing at a slower tempo than normal to allow the child to point to the body parts mentioned in the song.
God made me, God made me,
Thank You, God, for making me.
With my eyes, and ears,
a nose, and a mouth.
Thank You, God, for making me.
Additional verse: With my head, my shoulders, my knees, and toes.
Here are my fingers, here are my toes
Here are my knees, here is my nose.
Here are my feet that help me walk around.
Here is my mouth that can make sound.
Here are my ears, my shoulders, my belly
Here is my tongue that eats grape jelly
Here is my hair that is crazy you see
Here is my smile that God gave me!
Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb
Head and shoulders, knees and toes
Knees and toes (Repeat 2x)
Head and shoulders, knees and toes
Clap your hands together
(Start slow and gradually increase the speed as you sing and do actions)
God made my mouth. (point to mouth)
God made my nose. (point to nose)
God made my fingers. (wiggle fingers)
God made my toes. (touch toes)
God made my eyes. (point to eyes)
So I can see. (open hands and eyes wide)
God made me wonderful! (jump and make body wide)
God made me. (point to self with both thumbs)
Looking for a meaningful gift that parents, grandparents, or loved ones will treasure? Our Hand and Footprint Calendar Digital Download offers a personal touch, with monthly Bible verses and space for unique handprint or footprint art to make each month extra special.
All Printables Free for Immediate Family Use and with a Current License Only
Color the "Thank You, God" title page. Staple or bind all of the pages in this topic to form a book. Review the Bible stories as you look through the finished book.
With a piece of construction paper as the background, add pictures of people found in magazines and newspapers. Try to find a mixture of men, women, children, nationalities, ages, etc. Add the title "God Made People."
Examine a fingerprint and explain how each person’s fingerprint is unique. Use a magnifying glass to observe and compare fingerprints from different people.
Print the God Made People Poster. Using the song Jesus Loves the Little Children as the main idea, color the people red, yellow, black, and white. Add faces and yarn hair. Draw or cut little pieces of fabric for clothing. Point to the corresponding child as you sing the song.
Print the Boy and Girl Puzzle printable. Cut each out and into four pieces. Give the child the puzzle pieces and have her form the boy and girl. Glue to a piece of construction paper and color.
Understand of your child’s growth with our FREE 3-Year Development Checklist! This handy tool helps you track key milestones and celebrate your little one’s progress. Download your checklist today and take an active role in monitoring your child’s development!
Stand in front of a mirror and talk about different attributes of the child that makes him/her special.
On a piece of construction paper, attach a picture of the child or have the child draw himself or herself. Add the title "God Made _____" with the child's name.
Cut out the Me Poster and place it on a piece of construction paper. Add yarn hair, facial features, clothes, etc to the silhouette. Add the child's name.
Cut the emotion faces out of the Emotions Printable. Color and glue on a piece of construction paper. Add the title "God Made My Feelings."
Have the child lay on a large piece of paper. Draw around the child. Add a face. Glue on hair using yarn. Lay clothes on the silhouette or draw on the clothes. Ask the child to point to different parts of his/her body on the silhouette.
With a white piece of construction paper as the background, glue on a picture of the child. Using an ink pad, have the child make finger prints around the photo. Add the title "God Made Me Special" with the child's name.
Clay Dough
Ingredients: 1 cup Baking Soda, 1/2 cup Cornstarch, 3/4 cup warm water
Directions: Mix dry ingredients in saucepan. Add plain or tinted (food coloring works well) warm water and stir until dissolved. Cook over medium high heat until it resembles play dough. Remove from heat and cool to touch. Kneed on lightly cornstarched surface until smooth and soft. Roll to the desired thickness. Cut with cookie cutters. Add a hand or footprint if desired. Use a straw to make a hole for hanging. Embellish, paint, emboss as desired. Air dry for 24 hours turning one or twice to reduce curling.