Introduce a child to the world of weather with these fun activities.
Wall Calendar and Weather Pocket Chart
- The first eight weeks of the curriculum focuses on the calendar, weather, and seasons. A wall chart would be great for these units and to continue the learning throughout the curriculum. You can purchase wall charts online .
• Make your own wall calendar and weather chart using a Big Print Wall Calendar
and printable weather clipart.
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Cotton Ball Clouds
Glue cotton balls on a piece of blue construction paper to form different sized clouds.
Surprise Clouds
With a white crayon firmly draw clouds on a piece of paper. Using diluted blue paint, have the child paint the entire piece of paper to find the clouds. Count the clouds that are discovered.
Fill a glass jar with 2 inches of hot water. Place a plate on top of the jar and wait for condensation to form. After a few minutes, place ice cubes on the plate. The combination will cause the condensation to turn into "rain," just like how cool air in the atmosphere causes precipitation.
Rain Songs
Rain, Rain Go Away
Itsy Bitsy Spider
It's Raining, It's Pouring
Wind is what we feel when the air around us is moving.
Dress: Depending on the temperature, wearing warmer clothing may be necessary when it's windy.
Science: Gather items of different weights (e.g., feather, Styrofoam cup, rock, piece of paper, book, pencil). Predict which items will be moved by the wind. Use a hairdryer or fan at various speeds to blow the items and see if your predictions were correct.
Science: Gather a few plastic lids (about 3-4 inches in diameter). Make a small hole at the top of each lid, string a piece of yarn through the hole, and knot it. Coat both sides of the lid with petroleum jelly. On a windy day, hang the lids outside. After a few hours, bring them back inside and see what the wind has carried. Use a magnifying glass to examine what’s stuck to the lids in detail.
Science: Fill a gallon sized ziptop bag with several small squares of tissue paper. Place a straw in the bag so that one end is inside the bag and the other end it outside the bag. Zip the bag shut around the straw. Have the child blow the bag full of air and see what happens to the tissue paper. Discuss what occurred when air was blown into the bag. (Original Source Unknown)
Using the My Weather Graph worksheet, track the weather at the same time each day for a week. Some days may require more than one box to be marked. At the end of the week total each row. Discuss which types of weather you had the most, least, and same amount.
Decorate a piece of cardstock, then roll it into a cone shape and staple it closed. Along the bottom edge of the cone, staple different colored streamers. Punch two holes at the top of the cardstock, and thread yarn through to create a hanger.
Wind Painting
Place dots of paint on a piece of paper. Using a straw, blow the paint around the piece of paper.
Ice Fishing Object Lesson
Place several dozen ice cubes in a large bowl filled with cold water. Place an empty bowl beside it. Cut a piece of string or yarn 12” long. Instruct the child to “fish” for ice cubes using the string. Allow the child to try and “catch” an ice cube. Once the child has declared, “I can’t,” explain that he is correct. Lay the string on an ice cube and sprinkle with salt. Wait a little while for the salt to melt the ice and the water to refreeze. (You may need to practice this beforehand to figure out the timing.) Gently pick up the ice cube. Explain that we are like the string and the ice cubes are Heaven. No matter how hard we try and because we “all have sinned,” we will never be able to grasp Heaven. We can’t get to Heaven because of what we do. We need Jesus. Jesus is the salt that melts away ours sin. He will become part of our life if we ask Him to. (Allow the child to fish out the ice cubes when finished.)
Play in the "Snow":
Pour packing peanuts into a large tub. Play in the “snow” using buckets, shovels, or toy tractors. Hide small objects in the peanuts to correspond with the Bible story of Blind Bartimaeus. Blindfold the child and have him find and describe the items found.
Winter Ice Skating
Give the child two paper plates, one for each foot. Step on the plates and pretend to ice skate across the room. Advise the child to keep her feet on the plates and glide around the room. Caution: Depending on the flooring, you may need the hold the child's hands.
Eat Snow
Finely chop ice cubes in a blender to create snow. To make snow cone syrup, combine 2 cups of sugar with 1 cup of water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil for 1 minute, then remove from heat and stir in 2 packets of unsweetened powdered drink mix (such as Kool-Aid). Allow the syrup to cool before pouring it over cups of shaved ice.
Make Snowflakes
Make snowflakes by folding a piece of paper several times. Show the child how to cut small pieces from the folded paper to create a unique snowflake when unfolded. Add a small photo of the child to the center of the snowflake. Use this activity to discuss how every snowflake is different, just as God made each person unique.
Snowflake Handprints
Paint only the index finger of the child’s hand. Instruct the child to leave her hand spread. On colored paper, create a circle of lines and then go back over the lines in an “x” formation.
All About Weather: A First Weather Book for Kids by Huda Harajli is a wonderful introduction to the world of weather for young children. This engaging book explains different types of weather, from sunny days to thunderstorms, in a simple and easy-to-understand way. With fun illustrations and facts, children will enjoy learning about the weather they see every day and how it changes with the seasons.
Note: The text states that the sun 4.5 billion years old. This is a wonderful oportunity to discuss how some people don't believe that God created the world.