Scripture: Acts 9:1-19
Acts 16:31a Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.
A-B-C-D-E-F-G Traditional
Jesus died for you and me
Jesus died for sinful men, AMEN! (shout Amen)
I believe God's word is true,
God has promised you
A home eternally.
Sheet available in the Bible Activity Workbook
Glue little pieces of dirt or sand to the road.
Spread glue on the sunrays and cover with yellow yarn.
Caterpillar to Butterfly
I have always been awed by the symbolism of the caterpillar turning into a butterfly and Jesus being in the tomb and rising again. If your child is familiar with the The Very Hungry Caterpillar book, they will remember that a caterpillar eats, and eats, and eats. Then, and only God can explain this, the caterpillar begins to create a cocoon around itself. Depending on the species, a few days or weeks later, it emerges as a butterfly. Use this example to explain Jesus' resurrection to your child. This example can also be used to explain life without Christ and then having a new life once a person has accepted Jesus as their personal Savior. Click for caterpillar to butterfly activities and crafts.
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